It starts a few days ago on Friday after school when I search for Video Game that can be my inspiration. You know for technique like weapons and magic. Or just plain martial arts.
I look around to see what should I get.
"Excuse me?" There is someone in my back. When I see who it is actually made me a bit startled.
"Oh, Kirigaya-san? You are here too?" He seems shocked that I know him. I'm not really close to him but you see. He is in 2-C so he should be in the same class as Shiori. I do know him. After all, everyone who watches SAO knows about him. Even though I didn't really like it. Too much tragedy for my liking.
My life is a bit of tragedy in the past. So I didn't really enjoy watching the tragedy too.
"Ah, you know me? You are Katsuragi-san, right? You are kinda famous." I didn't really hide the fact that I made a novel or manga at all. It's not that I want to be famous. But it actually made my life easier. It's also come with it's good and bad things.
Like a contract for my royalty which is good for newcomers but I can't cancel it for the next 5 years without any good reason. In turn, they will do everything that can make my work bigger and bigger until it goes International and if there is a movie adaption they will take care of it. I guess it wasn't that bad.
"I do know you. Don't you remember? I use to come to your grandpa's dojo." I come here to learn some sword techniques that only can get in real life. It was experience. All of that skill and without experience is useless after all.
Thinking about this I finally picked the game I choose.
I can see his face turn sour from the mention of the dojo.
"Is something wrong?"
"Sorry. Nothing. There is nothing wrong. I guess I'm still sour about grandpa's decision to closed the dojo."
"Ah, yeah I remember hearing that from your grandpa." I do come there occasionally to fight him. Kind of understandable. His grandpa is old. Although different than the story where his grandpa died he still alive to this day. And no one actually really wants to take over the dojo. But didn't this actually went differently than the series? Wasn't Kirito not interest in dojo? So why did he actually care? Guess there will be always different huh. It also made my face frown remembering one more difference from Oregairu. Wonder what happens to all of them if there isn't Hikigaya Hachiman? Guess I will never know now.
"So I guess I will go then. I got my games." I say this to him and decide to go. But before that, he calls me.
"Wait, Katsuragi-san!"
"Hm?" I look back at him.
"There is something I want to ask. I actually remember seeing you at my dojo." I nod at him. Yeah, it doesn't really matter if he forgets about me. It actually didn't hurt me at all.
"So I want to know. You always there to fight him when you come and you always won."
"Go on."
"Why did you do that?" I frown at his question. I actually expect him to ask how can I win.
"Because it didn't really matter." Is the simple answer I got for him. He just look at me confuse hearing my answer.
"Why did I always go there to fight even if I already win? Because it didn't really matter if I win or I lose. What matters is my experience. That's the only reason I actually go there."
"Your grandpa's skilled. I'm skilled too. Even your grandpa acknowledges you are skilled. But there is a difference between the three of us. That is Experience. No matter how many skills you have it won't matter if you don't have experienced." With that, I left him. Damn. I feel really cool saying that line like this.
I come to Elder Kirigaya's house
"You are here brat?" The old man sitting with Shinai in his hand. The two of us are inside his dojo. There is no one else here except us.
"There is something I need help with."
"Ho. It's rare for you to ask a favor. Shoot. What is it? if that's within my power I may be able to help."
"Can you tell me about Kasuga's family? The hidden side that is!" I ask seriously to him. His eyes widen at the implications. Seems he know there is something else there. I am actually a bit confused at the situation too. The Kasuga. They have some relation with Supernatural.
When Elsie comes and I get my clone's memory about her I just know it won't be as simple as the one happening in the series. Just what should I do about this?