"How much did you know?" The old man Kirigaya ask me with serious faces I have seen on his face before besides in sparing.

I just look back at him, "You have some relation with them too right? I know that I feel some kind of power here. Like a barrier I guess. Don't know what it supposed to do. But I can feel them just fine. Of course, it's not enough to hold me or hurt me at all." I say to him with indifference. I guess it's not something I care about nowadays.

"From olden times my family and some other family have a relationship with the Supernatural world. As you say just know. For giving us some sort of power we will serve them however we can. In my family's case, we serve The Fallen Angel. We aren't servant perse. We just sometimes join our number together. We also do a mission for them. But as you know. With my time finally reach the ending no one will take up the mantle of Leader in this house. Not one of my children now about this of course. It's not that I want to keep it secret. But it's better this way. Our contract is over with me. And even though their protection will be over they promise to protect my family until I die."

Ah, I didn't realize it was this deep. Truthfully I just thought they have some relationship like know each other. But for it to be turn out like this. Who the heck actually would expect it? I just sigh.

"Regarding what you want to know I can guess you have some sort of business with them right?" I just nod as the confirmation.

"They serve Shinto Faction." I raised my eyebrow at that. So they should have a relation with Yokai right?

"Around 400 years ago. Their founder run away while protecting an empress from China. The Empress they protect was nonother than a manifestation of Amaterasu. Her Kyubi appearance which people now call Tamamo-No-Mae." Oh, that story? And Amaterasu too? I wonder if their appearance will be like my imagination. The one from Fate Series? At least that's what I imagine. Who know if I'm right or wrong?

"When their founder, Con who later got named Tashiro Kasuga sacrifice himself. Amaterasu save him and bring him to this land. When knowing her identity as Goddesses he and his descendant decide to serve her and Shinto Faction. To this day, different than us who is I can certainly say already over. They survive. They teach their children. And they serve. As a payment, they serve Shinto Faction faithfully to this day. That's basically all I know."

I just keep quiet hearing all of this and think about all the information he gave me.

"I understand. Thank you for the information. I said this before. This is a transaction. I owe you." I said this with a straight face.

"About that. Can I use that now?" I raised my eyebrow. Well, it's fine actually.

"You can."

"You are strong right? I know this even if you hold back. Azazel-sama also told us about you. At first, I was shocked at what I hear from him. Especially when the one he spoke is someone who always comes here for some training. Can you do one thing for me?"

"Like I said, just say what you want. I will do it if that's possible."

He nods at me, "Can you protect my grandchildren when I'm gone?"

I frown at him, "Old man. I know you are old. But you say this like you already gonna die."

"Well, I can feel my body getting there. I may look fine but the inside is already so old that it can barely hold me. I also want to rest."

"If you need healing I can do that for you, you know?"

"No. No healing. Katsuragi, I have no doubt that you can heal me. I already hear from Azazel-sama about that. He also knows that we are closes. It was a lucky thing he didn't ask me to spy on you or even force you to join us. What I want is only one. Katsuragi, please... please... please protect my family." Saying this he bows down in front of me. I have to hold him to stop.

"Oke, oke. I get it. just stop. Stop bow, Kirigaya-san. You are my teacher you know. I come here since I was 10 years old. don't do this kind of thing with me."

After that, we talk for a bit when suddenly the door open, there a girl with bokenn and kendo uniform come.

"Jii-san and Katsuragi-senpai." She is Suguha Kirigaya. The granddaughter of Old Saizo Kirigaya. She looks like just took a bath I can even smell her shampoo from here. Damn, she actually looks hot right now. I shook my head and focusing on Komachi.

"Oh, you want to practice? You sure work hard huh. Well, seeing our business is over I guess I will go now." Saying this I scratch my head. Why the heck am I blushing right know?

"Let me accompany you outside, Katsuragi-boy."

"Nah, It's fine. Just watch your grandaughter training. Then I will go." With that, I left leaving the pair to themselves.