"You are strong Katsuragi." I didn't answer.

"Will you fight me?" This time I look at her. I shake my head.

"No, there will be no fighting for now."

"How about a bet? If you win I will go on a date with you!" She actually blush and look proud at saying this. I just think about this now. But is there a chance she is the type that likes strong people?

"What do you guys think you are talking about?" In front of us, Komachi comes after finishing her changing uniform and she look annoy.

"Nothing my love," I answer her with a small smile.

"It didn't look like nothing to me. Sigh. Didn't you remember what you promise me before this right? Love?"

"I just want to spar with him, Hikigaya-san." This time Kasuga answer her. She looks at Kasuga.

"Kasuga-senpai. Before I'm actually angry at you. But actually, when you explain the problem and Keima says it's fine I actually forgot about those. So please tell me. What is that about the date?"

���I just want to spar with him like I said before. There is nothing more. I just said that because I think he wants to spar with me if I can give him something I can offer."

Komachi now look grinning at what Kasuga said.

"Oh, just that. Well, I guess if that's just a bet I don't have a choice huh. Keima love, fight her."

"Sigh, Komachi. Come on. Don't do this."

"There is no harm there right? Even if you win it was just one date?" I get a bit softer seeing she pout at me now. Making me sigh.

"I guess if you tell me it's fine I can do that." Kasuga look bewildered at what she just hears.

"What are you two talking about? Aren't you actually his girlfriend? I know I'm being too much but won't it be bad for your relationship?"

"You don't have to worry about that. This guy is gonna get harem anyway so I don't really mind it."


Damn, trolling these two is actually a fun thing to do. I don't really mind he is getting harem actually. It was not really that bad. At first, if I don't know about the hidden world I would be against it. but when hearing that the hidden world Supernatural exist I kind of change my mind there.

I mean, this world is actually bigger then I though. Hearing about all the things out there did make me afraid that I can get hurt. But when Keima is with me I guess I feel really safe. That's why I don't really mind him having a harem. Kinda stupid maybe but for me, I want to get that kind of feeling from him. And if making him a harem can make him happy and keeping me safe I guess it's not to bad.

Watching the two fights is really something. The two of them didn't really waste any move. I guess when training he did hold back that much. I know he holds back. Even if he didn't realize it he holds back so much that he actually think it was his full power.

The two of them exchanging blow to blow. Changing from one style to another style. Huh, I didn't know he know that kind of move.

It was a bit fast but in 4 minutes it ended with as even I expected Keima won.

"Now, as a promise. You will have to take her on a date. Good right." He just sigh as a response making me grins.

"Oh, don't worry. The date won't be just you two. Guess what. I will go to. It will be good for three of us." I chuckle seeing their speechless expression.

Right. Do you really think I will let the two of you go on date alone? When I, his girlfriend just watching from the sidelines? No way.

Kasuga-senpai didn't really react but seeing her blush and all is really cute after all of what happen. Did she actually like Keima? Huh? I don't really care about that for now. But if she actually wants to join guess she will have to get my approval of course.

My annoyance with her is also gone. After finishing that day's training the two of us go home.