"Sheishiro?" I frown hearing unfamiliar names yet at the same time feel familiar. Must be my name before, remembering the story that I have reincarnated here.

"Why? It's your name before. Proudly wearing that name when you stood to us." Saying that she chuckles at herself.

Komachi and the other stay quiet. She took my hand with her. Shaking my head I look at Amaterasu again.

"So why did you call me here?"

"To make an alliance of course. You do know that the devil and two other factions already make an alliance right?" Yeah, I do know that. But it's not like I can say that right?

"An alliance? You have a funny way to ask for one." Sighing at myself remembering that just before this she actually wants to test me.

"Such an Insolent in front of Amaterasu-sama. Boy, know your place." The man who I can assume is the father of Kusunoki, Rentaro Kasuga if I'm not mistaken.

His face is a red show that he is angry at me for that way of talking with their Goddesses. The thing is. I don't really care about that. I mean, she is their Goddesses. Not mine. What are they gonna do to me? Want to fight me? Sure. I doubt I will lose. Want to take a hostage from me? I will just teleport the hostage and destroy them while at it.

I'm strong. At least strong enough to fend for myself and everyone I care about from those who want to take them from me.

Chuckling at him makes him angrier.

"Hold it Kentaro. He is too strong for you." Kentaro already poses himself ready to attack me. But got hold by Amaterasu.

Kusunoki also looks ready to hold her father it seems.

"That aside we are here to talk about the alliance." Komachi the ever neutral self decides to speak.

"She is right. So let's get started shall we?" I nod at Komachi. I really thought Komachi will stay quiet in this meeting. It's good she decides to be the advocate here.

They also look at her, Kentaro sigh at himself and start to look calm.

"I want to say this before we reach the agreement. But I will also have to ask permission from Izanagi-sama, my father." Amaterasu said this while looking serious now. Understable. While she herself is major Goddesses in Shinto Factions she is not their leader thus even if she can negotiate the alliance all unreasonable demand will be talked by their factions first.

"Oke, so let's get started at the basic. What do you want from me? And what do I get from you?"

"All we need from you is to help us when there is a conflict with the devils or other factions."

"It's alright I guess. As long as I can help, I will help you."

She nods at my answer and also said what they can give me, "Although I know that you can do this already we will also protect you and your family. We will also reward you when you help us." I think about she said for a bit. It's good that they will also protect my family but I guess that comes with the standard negotiation.

"Include my lover's family!" I add this, she frowns for a bit before nod her head at my demand. While I can protect my immediate family, Komachi's family, and I think if Komachi really plans to give me a harem I can't protect all of their distant family that I don't know like the cousin and all of that at the same times.

"Your lovers?" Amaterasu asks me with a frown.

"Well, let's say someone suggests to me that I should get a harem." Komachi grins at me. But I can see the other also frown. Kusunoki of course also blushes at the mention of it seeing Komachi already ask her to join my harem.

"You already have Yasaka and you still want more?" She only chuckles when she asked, the frown on her face disappears.

"I don't think that's your business." Damn, and I already forget about that problem and here she is. Bring back the problem to my mind.

"Will you also ask me to join?" She is kidding I know. But the trouble faces Kentaro show at that is kind of funny.

"Who knows?" I didn't really think so right now. So I can only shake my head.

"Well, pretty much that's all I ask. Oh, there is one more thing, the weapons and all treasure I have. It's mine and mine alone. Please remember it." I add this so they can't steal my treasure. There is safety in my Gate of Babylon but I will still mention it.

"Oke. I guess I will get back right now. Thank you for the times." With she is gone.

Komachi and I get up. The two of us decide to get home when Kentaro stops us.