Taking a bath especially at the night is really cold. Well, I did use cold water instead of warm. I guess that kind of thing did stay from the past life that I always like cold water more than warm.

I get ready myself. With a house that makes me feel like a cool guy. Well, I'm a cool guy but that is beside the point right now.

"Nii-sama." Elsie instead of her usual dark kimono she uses beautiful cloth that makes her look good. Very good indeed.

"Elsie." I nod, then compliment her. "You look beautiful tonight!" She blushes a bit while saying, "Thank you!"

"Let's go outside then. I will take out my bike." She nods at me.

While getting out my bike outside I really thought that this is already late. But I guess it didn't really matter after all. What really matters is that everything is fine and everyone is happy. Yeah, that's all that really matters to me.

"Let's go," I told her to sit on my bike. We have gone out together like this using my bike but I guess this is the first time that I feel something when she holds me tight. I'm not really embarrassed or even blush from this. But this is the first time that I think, 'She is actually bigger than I thought!' I didn't really know about the size but I did feel it right now.

"So where do you want to take me Nii-sama?"

"How about the Akenamaru?"

"Where is it?"

"You know. The ship at the dock."

"Oke. Let's go there."

"Also Elsie…"


"Don't call me Nii-sama now. We are on a date right?" I can barely hear her whisper of yes. But she holds me tighter. It's not really far away so even using my bike it only takes maybe 10 minutes if I don't go faster. Definitely, around 5 though as it didn't really feel that long for me.

"We are here." Turning off my bike I at the parking lot.

Elsie and I go to the ship, 'This place huh. There are many important things I did here.' Marrying Ayumi even if only a façade one in the original is the first of many things will happen. I don't really think I'm gonna do that now. You know what? In fact, at the sign that one of them has awakened, I will get them at least to make them aware of what happens and why that happens. Slapping here and here will happen I'm aware. But it's not really gonna hurt me.

"Keima-kun." Elsie hugs me. As I told her to call my name now when she did I look at her bluish eyes.


"Thank you for giving me a chance." She said to me.

"I will give you more chance as much as you need from me," I said to her.


"Do you love Keima-kun, Elsie-chan?" Komachi-chan asked me this few days ago.

"Of course I did Komachi-chan. I love Nii-sama. He is my Nii-sama after all." Although saying this actually kind of hurt. It's not like I will love him like that, right? Shaking my head to get the thought out of my head is all I can do. That is until Komachi-chan said.

"It's fine if you love him like that you know. It's not like you are a real sibling right. So I guess I can see that happening sooner or later. Just think about it yeah?" Saying that she left me alone to my thought. It was only after Nii-sama told me to guard the house while he is away that I actually feel hurt he left me. He always left me. Like he didn't need me. Like he will let go of me if he didn't need me anymore.

So I took my time to think about my feeling. I ask the mother about my feeling sometimes ago. Of course, I didn't tell her that it's my feeling to Nii-sama.

"Falling in love feels like you want to give all of yourself to this person. It feels like you're a more whole version of yourself, not because you weren't whole before, but because you've met someone who reminds you, constantly, through their actions, words, and energy, that you are worthy of love (Quote from upjourney). If you feel like that then yes Elsie-chan. You are in love." What she said got me thinking for a bit. I didn't really know. I didn't really know my feeling toward Nii-sama.

So when he is finally finish his business with Shinto Faction. I asked him to go on date with me. To give me a chance. To make me know what I feel.

Did I really love him like a woman's love to a man? Or only a love like sibling that I never had, like a family love.