I follow Azazel with Komachi and Elsie following beside me. The two of them stay close to me and hug my left and right side.
"Who are we gonna meet?" Asked me to Azazel.
"Actually he is the one who asked us to meet you. Don't think of it personally. There is no bad intention from this." Answer Azazel.
I only sigh at that, finally arrived at the place there stood Indra.
Indra has the appearance of a man with a buzz-cut hairstyle with greenish-brown hair color and lavender eyes. He wears circular sunglasses, an aloha shirt, and has a jewel around his neck when in his leisure. In the anime, he has the vermillion mark on his forehead.
"Ho, so you are the Human who they talked these days." He says with sarcasm in his voice. I didn't know much about him besides the legend of myth and all of that.
I sat myself in the cair and let Komachi and the other sat before finally talk.
"My name is Katsuragi Keima."
Indra seems amused that I introduce myself.
"Who might you be?" I ask with calmness. Not sounding arrogant or not too polite.
"You don't know me, boy? I'm Indra the King of the Gods and Lord of Heaven in Hindu mythology. I am also the God of War, Storms, and Rainfall." He introduce himself. With amused expression. Azazel finally talk.
"About what I want to ask..."
"What is it, boy? I don't think we need to talk." Indra cut what Azazel want to say.
Azazel only stare at Indra, suddenly he laugh. "Talk boy."
"There is info that you know about the whereabouts of Hero Faction."
I look interested at that, "Is that true?" I ask seriously. I too actually know where they are. They are in some hideout that's quite far from human civilization.
"What if I know? What's it to you? I only come here to scout your alliance and Kasturagi Boy."
"Oh, you come here to see me?" I ask in amused feeling that someone important actually wants to meet me.
While I didn't care much about other factions I do know how important they are to their faction. Like That Amaterasu. While not the leader of the Shinto Faction she is actually quite important thus she is trusted by Izanagi and Izanami to do some of their work as the leader of Shinto Factions.
"Please answer my question. I need their location." Azazel asked Indra. Indra just laughs at him. Until finally Azazel didn't bother him about their location anymore.
"Hei You two," I called for them. To actually ignore me.
"Hahaha, sorry about that boy. The truth is that there is something I want to ask from you." Said Indra while laughing. He actually didn't seems bad.
I raised my eyebrows. Suddenly he bring out his weapon. If I'm not mistaken it was his vajra.
That weapon is quite badass. A power that can control lighting. More than the power of Baraqiel and Akeno. Of course, it's a given thing seeing as it's a divine relic.
"It's My weapon Vajra. I hear that you have many treasure. Do you have the same as me?" He asked me in a curious way.
Didn't think too much of it I show him my gate and summon my Vajra. He finally seems surprise which makes me smirk.
"This. How can you have the real one too. They are basically the same." He said in shock that I actually have the same. I smirk at him, "Hah, you should know that there is no treasure I don't have."
He only sigh at that. "You are a really interesting human. Say, boy. Would you join us?" I raised my eyebrows Which one? The Khaos Brigade or Hindu Faction? It's not like I gonna say it out loud.
Instead, I just laugh and shake my head, "No. I won't join you." Komachi and Elsie who are keeping themselves quiet from the start actually watch this seriously.
"Then there is no need to talk anymore." He said then suddenly left.
"Damn, I guess We will never know the location of Hero Faction." Said Azazel. I only chuckle at him.
"Do you want to know about it that much? �� I asked him. He looks seriously at me and nod.
"Yeah, they are quite bothersome. There is news that they are in terrorist group Khaos Brigade." I only sigh at that group. I didn't really want to tell him their location as I have business myself with them.
I actually thinking about things and decide that when they attack me again I will just take away their sacred gear. I guess I can give some of them to the people I trust. On that front, I guess I will recruit someone to join me.
But that is for later.
"There is also one more person that wants to meet you Katsuragi." Azazel said which made me sigh.