The clones of Katsuragi Keima is watching them. It seems there are only 5 members that planning on the attack.
The leader Cao Cao is a handsome young man with short black hair and blue eyes. He wears a combination of a Japanese school uniform (more specifically, the gakuran worn by Japanese schoolboys in the fall) and ancient Chinese attire.
"The plan to attack him is near. How is the preparation? We can't manage to underestimate someone like him." Asked Cao-Cao
Next to him is Georg the sub-leader of the Hero Faction and the possessor of the Longinus: Dimension Lost. He is a descendant of Johann Georg Faust, the man who made a pact with the legendary Devil, Mephisto Pheles. He's a young man with black hair and spectacles. Like Cao Cao, he wears a combination of a Japanese school uniform (more specifically, the gakuran is worn by Japanese schoolboys in the fall) and wears a mage-style robe over his uniform with a feathered cape.
"We will attempt to take some of his family hostages. Although we can't do anything to the devil we can also do the same to his lover Hikigaya Komachi." He says while giving them the picture of their target.
After that is Jeanne a member of the Hero Faction. She carried the spirit of the Maiden of Orleans, Joan of Arc. Jeanne is a beautiful young foreign woman with blonde hair and sky blue eyes. She wears a girl gakuran, with armor worn on top of it.
"Are you guys really sure about it? Not that I care about him but he is seriously strong you know?"
Then Siegfried who is a member of the Hero Faction. He was one of the top two swordsmen of the Khaos Brigade alongside Arthur Pendragon of the Vali Team and was known as The Demonic Sword User and "Chaos Edge" Sieg.
Siegfried was a handsome young man with silver-white hair and red eyes. He, just like other members of the Hero Faction, wore a gakuren, and on top of it, a priest's coat, similar to Freed Sellzen. He also wore a belt that held his five Demon Swords and a Light Sword, which were around his waist and legs, forming a sword skirt.
"Don't be like that Jeanne. While true he is strong I doubt he can do anything after we took his family." He said with a smirk.
Then there is their youngest member, Leonardo. He is the wielder of one of the four strongest Longinus; Annihilation Maker. He is a short, dark-skinned young boy with gray-blue hair and purple eyes. Like other members of the Hero Faction, he wears a gakuran, with a long coat on top of it.
"How about making a beast to fight him?"
"We can do that too. But we will trap him in Dimension Lost first. So the two of you will show up first, Georg and Leonardo." Said Cao-Cao.
With that, all four of them go their separate way.
Except for Jeanne.
"Sigh, we will die surely!" I said with sighing at their situation. Even I understand how dangerous the human is known as Katsuragi Keima.
"How about joining me?" The voice of Katsuragi Keima surprised me.
"No worry, I'm just a clone. But once I die my memory will transfer to the original. I bring my original proposal to you."
Looking wary at him, I decide to sit down.
"Why are you here?"
He looks at me like I'm stupid, "Of course to spy on you guys."
"Why do you even say that? Are you stupid? Don't you think I will tell the other about you if you show up here?"
"I know about you, Jeanne Arc. You are once a holy maiden. You serve the church. But when you see what the church had done you finally believe that they already betray you and other humans."
"You don't know a damn thing."
He looks at me sharply which made me wince a bit.
"You didn't join Cao-Cao because you trust that Cao-Cao will made difference. It was because he is the only choice you have."
"Think about it alright."
With that, he disappears with a poof.
"Damn!" I said while looking at the smoke.
"I think I will recruit some of them who I can control." Thinking out loud to myself.
When the memory comes back I guess from all of them the one I will definitely is Cao-Cao, Georg, and Siegfred. I didn't really need gram as I have that in my Gate. But True Longinus and Dimension Lost will definitely be useful to me. The kid Leonardo on the other hand. Should I control him? I guess I will have to wait and see. If he is unstable there is no hope for him to survive. Jeanne on the other hand. It will be a pity to kill her. She has her own charisma that I can use to recruit people. Well, if she chooses their side later I guess I will just leave it at that. While her charisma is useful I have my own Charisma after all. Boost by many treasures. I can recruit anyone.