The look of shock on my mom is faced actually made me worry. I guess I kind of expected that they will told me to go away or something.

So it's nice when she said, "Why did you hide that? Do you think I will hate you for that? Stupid son, you are my son. There is no way even if you have that kind of power we will hate you. You are my son, you know." She said while then hugging me.

"You are okay with me?" I asked.

"Of course I am. You are my son. And Keichi will accept you too. All of us are family. And family stands together." She said.

The other smiled at me. Which made me smile back.

"I guess I have to tell you the truth than."

She looks curious. Besides my power what else will I tell her?

"There are many factions in this world, mom."

"What kind of factions?"

"Supernatural factions. There is Shinto, Three Factions, Hinduism, Celtic Factions, Greek Factions, and many more factions."

She looks shocked to hear that. I guess she isn't a believer in the first place so knowing that they exist is a shock for her.

"And I kind of uh...."

"What? What did you do, darling?" My mom asked me in worry.

"I uh... I kind of made enemies of some factions. And they are kinda want to attack us."

"What? Are they strong?" Asked Mom.

"Nah, they aren't that strong for me. I show you that I can summon weapons right? I will just it to them."

"If they aren't strong then it's fine. Will you be alright? I can help you, you know? Mom is still a leader of a biker gang so I can contact anyone who can help." I think there is actually something I can do with that.

Mom is an ordinary human, she has no secret power or all of that. Dad is also the same. But what if I give them power and weapons. I can give them A-rank weapon and power so that they can use it. But I shake my head at that. I will think about that later but definitely not now.

"It's fine mom. I need you to go with Komachi and Elsie to my castle. There is a sort of family reunion there."

"Huh? Do you have a castle? How come you never told us? And what do you mean of a family reunion?"

"I said that I made enemies right? They kinda want to attack us today. So I guess I already tag all of our family's right grandpa and grandma. Yeah, something like that which will teleport them to my castle."

While she is still shocked at that I active her seal and teleport her to my Hanging Garden Of Babylon.

Then I and the other also teleport there.

"We are here!" I said to Mom who still looks dumbfound.

"Where are we?" She asked in a whispering voice but still loud enough for me to hear what she said.

"We are in my place, Hanging Garden of Babylon. The same one from the legend to..." I explain to her.

After some minutes there is a notification some of my family is attacked. And hero faction start their plan. Thus I look serious and teleport them here.

My grandpa Denma from my father is a side holding pottery. He is serious enough that he didn't seem to notice that he is teleport here.

My grandpa and grandma from Mom's side are quite old they are holding each other and screaming to those Shinto factions for help. My grandpa is named Saiki Kuniharu and my grandma is named Saiki Kurumi. Which at first shock me when I was young especially knowing that my uncles are Saiki Kusuo and Saiki Kusuke. Also uncle Kusuo's wife Kokomi and their children Saiki Takeshi and Saiki Makoto. So I guess this one won't really mind that.

Although look shocked at the sudden teleport Uncle Kusuo look fine. There is also a burn on his shirt so I guess they get to attack first.

My father also there. In his pajama. Must be night there. Mom is waking up father who is sleeping.

"Explanation later. I have some pest to exterminate." With that, I teleport away.