Coming to the conclusion that New Hell is in the middle of a crisis because of this, Diana asks Keima to marry Tenri since doing so will make Tenri's love for Keima grow further.

"Wait a bit there. Aren't you jumping to the conclusion too much there? Just so you know Keima is our boyfriend." Komachi is the one who said this.

Diana clarifies that she has an insufficient amount of power, and that love can restore that power.

"Even so he can't marry you. At least not now."

At this Diana raised her eyebrow.

"What do you mean? And don't you know that this is for the good of the world?"

"We understand. That's why I said don't you think that was too far. I mean why not date first."

Diana talks with them and leaving me to myself without actually caring about me. Damn, those girls can be cold sometimes to me. Making me chuckle at that.

It's good that Haqua didn't come with us. She seems to have the devil's job. Will be trouble if she is here and making the fire bigger than they are now. Making me want to laugh if Haqua causing trouble for me.

"So, you guys are done talking yet about whatever plan you have?" I asked them with a smug smile.

Diana in Tenri's body looks a bit disgusted that I have more than one lover and not even one of them is Tenri yet.

Komachi and Elsie just smirk a bit and high five each other.

"Listen, I understand the gist of what you want to say. Truly I do. You want to restore your power and come back to Heaven Realm. Who doesn't want that? But It's not something that can happen in a night!" I said to her. To this, she looks down.

"Then what should I do? And I didn't want to go back there yet. I still want to be in this world. I'm not in hurry to go back. But I'm in hurry to help human again." It's a good thing that despite everything else she does care about humans.

"We can do that. You don't have to worry about that." She sighs at that.

"I understand. But please help us." She still hasn't told me about her sisters yet so it's not starting yet.

"I will." With that, she thanked me and change back to Tenri.

"How about go on a date?" Komachi suggests that made me sigh.

"Uhm... but. Didn't Komachi-san are Keima-kun's lover?" Tenri is back again.

"Don't worry about that. Welcome to the sisterhood, Tenri-chan." Huh? They accept her a bit faster than I thought.

"If you are wondering why we accept her this fast don't forget that I have seen you're looking at her. Sigh, don't go looking at other women like that in front of us." She said making me frown.

"Like what?"

"Like you are stricken in love with them. Just you know. Don't. We gave you a harem because we know that you truly love us and won't be cheating on us." She said but after that smiling and said, "And because we can give you this." She kisses me. Elsie too seeing Komachi kiss me, she kisses me too after Komachi finish.

I just chuckle at that.

But then Tenri is pushed by Komachi to me and I guess they want me to kiss her.

"Do you want it?" I ask her.

She closed her eyes and barely I hear yes from her. I forgot that she did love me. I guess it happens because of the incident at Akenamaru.

Thus I kiss her. She moans after the kiss is finished. And we can see that her wings show and there is a halo sign at her head.

I guess Diana just got her power full. Faster than expected too.

But I think it's because I already disrupt the plot with Tenri here very early.