It's lunch but today was different as I go to the rooftop alone. Elsie, it seems have gone off with Tenri to who knows where.

I headed towards the rooftop, only to meet a mysterious girl named Tsukiyo Kujyō and her doll, Luna, both sitting on a bench. As Tsukiyo talked about how she was in perfection, I walk by. As I passed by though, Tsukiyo stepped up to me and slapped me.

'This girl actually has the nerve to slap me?' Said in my mind in shock.

I had stepped on the red carpet Tsukiyo had been sitting on, and she talks about how her perfect world had been invaded by a low-being.

I replied, "You do know that perfection is not what you are talking about right?"

"Hmph, I know about you. You are that famous guy from 2B. You better don't make me slap you again."

"What?" I truthfully shock. Why did she actually want to slap me just because I was walking on her carpet?

Didn't want to think too much I finally decide to get away for now. It seems my way to woo her isn't working right now.

I eat my lunch a bit further than her while looking at her. Sometimes when she caught my staring at her, she glares at me. I just look away when she does that.

When the bell rang I back to class again. I sat on my seat while thinking about how to woe her. I guess she is kind of my type.

Elsie and Tenri are already on their seat. They didn't look at me as the class has already started.

Back at home, I'm sulking in my own world, as I was thinking about how to made Tsukiyo captured. There is also the way Keima did when he wished for Tsukiyo to be cursed and be turned into a frog.

But there is actually no way I would make her like that. Turn into a frog? Seriously? Who is gonna wishing for that? Although I won't deny that when she turns as small as a doll is really cute.

[For convenience the plot host want is already put there.]

'What? Nana? What are you talking about?'

[The system, to make the host more comfortable already made Tsukiyo Kujyo small like in the series.] The answers made me froze.

At that time, Tsukiyo and her doll were on the school rooftop, gazing at the moon. While thinking about what had happened during the day, she shrinks to the size of her doll Luna. What has happened....?

"Are you alright? Keima? You look frozen for a moment there." Said Elsie.

I focus again on the real world. Elsie is in my bedroom. She uses her apron with a frying pan in her hand. The smell of fried chicken comes from the kitchen and her.

"You cook fried chicken?"

"Yeah, why? You don't like it?" She asks raised her eyebrow

"Nah, I like it. Shall we eat then?" I ask her.

With that, I leave my bedroom and go to dining room to eat.