I and the other are still talking as there is no hurry for me and there is still time.

Tenri also just keeping herself close to me as we are walking know. Truth be told people will notice that we are couple already and although I didn't say it. I never confirm it too.

It's good thing she understood.

"I didn't know you two are dating?" Tenri ask suddenly when she see Nariyuki and Uruka holding hands together while we walk.

She blush, "No. Nothing like that. No at all. Hahaha." She replied.

"No Ayukawa-san. We just holding hand so we are not getting apart."

Are you kindergarten kid?

"Ah there is actually something I have to do later so I'm sorry but we would have to cut it now." I said to them.

"Eh? Is there a problem Keima-san?" He ask.

"Nah, just the matter of some organizations." I smiled.

"I don't know you are member of some sort of organization?" He ask.

Tenri just smile and Uruka seems clueless as ever.

"I am. Just a new organizations that I create for my interest."

"Hey, when the time come you should join." I tell him.

"Eh, I don't know about that."

"Don't worry. Soon you will." I muttered this more to myself.

As I truly believed there will be something happen on the vacation.

Back on the garden again as I and Tenri stood there holding hand watching the newly build Beach.

"Are you sure, you know what you are doing?" The one who ask this are Diana.

"I don't know. Hey, don't judge me on that. He definitely have something there. Hidden. Even I can feel that much." I explain.

"Still, this is the first time you want someone joins you that badly. You don't swing that way right?"

Instead of answering I kiss Tenri's lips. Diana who talk are just there on the mirror of water.

And even though she blush I didn't stop feeling Tenri as she didn't reject me.

"That's answer you question?"

I chuckled seeing she blush and angry at that display of affection and Tenri just smile after I kiss her.

"How shameful. I'm still here and yet you do it in front of me. Don't you know any shame?"

"Calm down Diana. Or are you just jealous that I kiss Tenri instead of you?" At this I laugh seeing her madder then before and closed the connection she had and just got inside Tenri again.

"She is angry Keima." Tenri said.

"Nah, let her calm down a bit. Now how about we just enjoy the beach."

Saying this I get inside the water.

Tenri who are on her bikini follow me.

Her hair let down.

The two of us enjoy ourselves.

"Didn't you have meeting with Yasaka tonight?" She ask while I kiss her neck.

"I did." I replied fully enjoying the view.

"You should get ready kknow. I won't be able to accompany you tonight."

I raised my eyebrow as she actually made it sound sensual.

"The other and I have plan tonight and we want to have something for ourselves."

Ah, Komachi did say this to me.

"Well, if you say so."