Looking at her, I get curious and for the heck of it, I can actually feel sacred gear from her. Nothing I know right now about what that is. But it's definitely there. The same as Nariyuki.

Ah, that reminds me I should get things clear with him and Mizuki.

Should I invite Uruka too? Who knows?

Which again reminds me of Kusunoki. Sad as it's that she can't join as she had her own duties right now.

That is of course the matter for another time.

"Exactly as I said. What you meet are none other than a devil. A stray one in fact. AS it looks ugly enough from the mutation or something like that. I doubt it's human before it looks like this. Must be some form of things that get carried away."


"Yup. They exist. I won't say that all of them are good or bad as it can be both if you get what I mean."

Shirzech and the other Mao seems like a good guy. That is if you really can't see the truth of things.

How dangerous that guy and the other are to humans.

We, humans, are quite fragile after all.

"So, your name is?"

"Kirino. Kousaka Kirino. Uhm, you can call me Kirino."

I smiled at her.

She is still young. Younger than me. Assuming that the story hasn't tart or even if it's the same that is.

Maybe around Mizuki's age.

"Oh, the model? I have heard of you before." She is still in the modeling business so that stays the same I think.

She nods and blushed.

"My name is Katsuragi Keima. You can call me Keima if you want."

She nods.

"Well, so, what are you doing away from home here?"

I know she lived somewhere in Chiba. The same as Hikigaya's old home.

But not where it exactly is as other than that it didn't really interest me besides looking for the thing I want that is.

"I'm meeting a friend." She replied.

"Oh, I guess after this you can meet her," I said,

"So, I will offer you this one more time."

"I didn't want to forget. As horrible as it is. I didn't want to forget what just happen."

I smiled, "I understand. There is of course one more offer if you are willing to hear me."

She gets quiet. I notice that no one hears what we are talking about here so it won't be a problem.

"I'm making a team. The human who has a special power to protect other human. I know it's too much and too soon. But would you willing to join us? I of course will give you the training if you accept."

I actually didn't really know why I just invite her even if I didn't know things and just on a whim decide it now.

I guess I just want my group bigger. And it's not so bad knowing her at least if not else from an anime that may not exist anymore.