When I come back, the first thing I did instead of Lazing around or doing work is going to Maijima High.
"Have you finished your homework, Katsuragi?"
The sudden voice of Nikaido didn't make me look around.
"I did. Finished all of it on the first day too." I replied to her.
I stood with Nikaido seeing the girls doing their training on the track field.
"Who are you watching here?" She asks.
I didn't answer instead focusing on the person that can be called the first girl I kiss in this world. Outside my family that is.
"So you are watching her huh. Didn't you remember that every captured girl you capture is not going to remember about you anymore?"
So she did realize that I'm watching Ayumi huh.
"It's not really your business, is it?"
"No, I don't think so. Well, do what you want! I'm only here to seeing the situation."
I nod to her without looking at what she looks like right now.
Ayumi who I think notice looks up to me.
Her eyes widen a bit and because of it when she runs straight at an obstacle she trips herself. I only shake my head and chuckle a bit.
Feeling that it may be a good time to start I approach those who surround Ayumi.
"Are you fine?" I ask her.
"Katsuragi...." I'm sure amused by her expressions.
"Are you alright?" I ask again.
"Katsuragi, it seems Ayumi here hurt herself. Can I ask you to take her to the infirmary?"
"Wa. What are you?" Ayumi looks embarrassed by it.
"Sure. Let's go." I take Ayumi's shoulder and the two of us walk together.
"You don't have to do this."
"I don't. But I still did in nonetheless. We are classmates after all." I can hear her muttering this while I hold her.
'So, you didn't remember after all.'
'Yup, she remembers alright.' This certainly confirms things for me. Things are either getting messier or can be something that can push her more to me.
"Nothing, hmph hey let go of me. I can walk there alone."
When she pushed me a bit she loses her balance and falls.
"Ugghh," She said touching her foot.
"See? You are hurt there."
"And besides, I can hear you there. I remember after all."
"Huh?" She takes my hand. She did want to let go of it forcefully when I mention that I remember but I didn't really let her too.
I sigh and think, 'That may be not the right time to mention it.'
"What are you...."
"Here we are." I cut her before she finishes it.
"Sit here." I bring her to bed.
She sat there.
"Hm, where is it. Where is it..."
I playfully searching for the cotton so that I can clean the blood on her skin.
"Hm?" I found it and bring it to her.
"What do you mean you remember just now?" She asks. Actually, she is just muttering here because if not for the fact my hearing is superb I won't be able to hear it.