"Yeah about it actually, why did I actually seem to forget about it? I certainly remember that now but before that, my mind was fuzzy as hell. Heck, when I ask people about that they even ask me what am I talking about."

Ayumi shares her side of the story. Certainly, it was true. I have seen her asking people about that as I too spy on her. Don't worry, not to look inside her or something perv just watching her is all.

I can only nod and replied, "I know. I notice that."

"So what is all of this about? I can remember that after you know... we... we -' we kiss' I cut her and she looks embarrassed by it too - yeah that. I remember seeing some kind of mist that getting out of my body. What is it?"

"You see, supernatural as you might expect by now are very real." I let it down. And to make it more believable I cast some light magic.

Her shock at seeing that is sure fun though. I never get tired of seeing that kind of expression.

"Huh? Magic is real?"

"It is real!"

"Then what? What it means for me?"

"For you?" She nods wanting to know more it seems. I can't of course blame her as in the same situation I would be curious too.

"You see, once upon a time there is a war between three factions..." I explain to her all of that I have known. At least the introduction part to her so she can accept the information I give.

"And when all is said and done the devil in their way decide to war again. Certainly, it's a problem. But as you know there are more who don't need war anymore as they prospect more on peace than war times. Thus after that, the civil war happen. And this is where it concerns you so much. The devil in their infinite wisdom decides to kill many of the old devil factions. I guess at the times those old-timers didn't want to go down without resistance so they kind of made part of themselves to spirit. A fracture of themselves. So one day if they manage to gather power again they can get revenge and reincarnated again."

"And with that by the times they have enough power one day the host they leech of will get pregnant. And their children shall be the devil reborn. I guess that's all the info I have about them."

And I guess that's the difference between this and the series. Shit can happen many times here after all.

"So I have something like those inside me all this time?" She asks weakly. Of course, it's like this. She must be in shock and certain denial.

"You don't have to worry about those anymore. I have already finished them for you so it's not a problem after all."

She nods weakly. And I can see that her pace is pale now as it seems that she is tired already.

"Well, we have finished our dinner now. If you want I can get you to your home now. Or - 'Or?' She raised her face looking at me- Or you can follow me to my HQ." I resolved myself asking her to join.

She is silent for a bit until "I will..."