"It's just. Up till now the others who join are already have links with us. Strong link. Our family, Yuigas siblings, Uruka can be categorized with them. You save Kirino and Jeanne. They have that kind of link with us. Won't the Guido seems hesitant to join us?"

"I understand your concern Komachi. I have been thinking about it. Truthfully I didn't really mind too much about them. The only thing we need is only Yui's power. We can certainly be helped by the Goido's family but I didn't expect much from them."

"I guess if you are really sure I can only accept."

"Come now. I really love that you are worried about this. Your reasoning is valid after all. I just have to do this now."

Better now too. After all. In Romania, I will meet a certain troublesome individual.

"And here they are." When I get the notification that my guest has arrived I sent my clones to welcome them.

"Seems like there is only 6 person. Azazel among them." Elsie says to me while seeing the palace. I have given her some of the control over the fortress.

They come with my clones and the door to the throne room open.

"Welcome to my throne." I announce my presence to me.

I can see the head of the family with his wife and two children. Yui Goido and her little brother.

"My lord!" It seems strange to see them actually bowing to me.

The other is more amused at this than feeling strange. I guess they didn't hate this. They do look like a queen with me as their king huh.

Well, it's given that I'm like that.

"Stand up, we don't do this here." I said to them

"My name is Katsuhiro Goido, Katsuragi-sama. With me are my wife Yuri Goido, My daughter Yui Goido and my son Kentaro Goido."

I nod in appreciation that he introduces himself and the other.

"Azazel." I look at him.

"I finish my side's deal. I hope you won't turn on me." The Goido grimace. I think they didn't like their lord's decision huh. Let's just hope for the best and they like it here.

"A nerve of an old man to say that to me on my Fortress." I blurt it to him.

The two of us laughing together. The situation before is tense now is better now with me and him laughing.

"I will go with you. On that, you don't need to doubt me. I will also ask some of my members if they want to join. As I said, I will take the human that's been feasted by those vampires under my protection."

"On that, I didn't think we will have a problem. Here is the detail we have about them." I guess even if I have better info than him I should look regal. Somehow.

"Thank you. This can certainly help."

"Well, I have some other matter. I hope you won't mind that I left now." He says

"You can go now." I reply to him.

And this left only me, my queens, and the Goido family.

"I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Keima Katsuragi, with me are my lover, Komachi, Elsie, and Tenri. Tenri has the Goddesses inside her. The one named Diana." I decided to just tell them here.

Besides, it's not really a secret, to begin with.

"Diana?" Then Yui who look quite before change in front of me.

So the Goddesses Mars show up early than I expected in front of me, eh.


Hi guys, early post today as I didn't have much work. So I just want to say thank you and please support me with coffee here ko-fi*com/boy72 I really need your help there as I want to pay for my college but didn't have money right now. So I will be very grateful if you help me.
