The shock on his face is kinda surprising though.
And definitely amuse me.
"What? How can it be?" He shouts in disbelief.
Whether that I can hold him or the holy power of Excalibur.
Who knows?
"You want my treasure boy? We will see about that then, eh." I mock him.
Calling him a boy despite knowing that he should be a hundred years if not a thousand years old will be very amusing.
But despite that, he didn't seem bothered that I call him a boy.
More than he is shocked about Excalibur.
"What is this? Why are you looking, surprised boy? Shouldn't you know that this beautiful thing is part of my many treasures?" I laugh.
"Certainly. We have heard that you have many legendary artifacts. But to actually see the real things. Before it was seven-piece. That isn't just a replica too right? The holy feeling that burn me is hurtful. No matter. With this power, I should be able to kill you. I saved this because I didn't have enough data on Red Dragon. But be amazed that you will be the first who see my true power. True Power that supports My True Lord Lucifer."
So he is able to use the Balance Breaker of the Boosted Gear after all. If I'm not mistaken shouldn't he get this when he studied Issei's body?
No matter. I guess he got this by sacrificing the souls of several famous Dragons since he was unable to make a copy of Ddraig's soul. The armor looks like Issei's Scale Mail, albeit with slight variations.
I can't really bother to see the other as we are inside my own barrier after I kick out that vampire.
"Be amazed by me Human. I have used my strongest form to this date. Give me all your treasure and I may give you quick death as a reward for amusing me this far." He says arrogantly.
Oh? His devil-like profaneness is appearing. Must be some effect from the dragon soul. They are quite prideful after all.
Most of them are.
"Hahahaha. Boy. You just give me the reassurance that I should kill you now before you become trouble after all."
"You are devil eh. Be a good little devil and go bother someone else if you manage to survive this boy."
"Seal 13 Decision start."
The ghostly forms of Arthur Pendragon's knights from a long-gone age show again.
The presence they showed demanded respect even though they were not real.
"I Palamedes Declare, The battle must be one on one and release my Seal."
"I Lancelot Declare, The battle is not against an elemental and release my Seal."
"I Mordred Declare, The battle is one against evil and release my Seal."
"I Galahad Declare, The battle is not one for personal gain and release my seal."
"I Gaheris Declare, The battle must not be against Humanity and release my seal."
"I Arthur Pendragon Declare, The battle must be to save the world and release my seal."
I held the blade down and to its side, as it began to glow so bright it looked nothing more than pure light.
I swung the blade upwards towards Euclid that covered the sky and declared to all those who could hear.
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And thank you for reading this at least.