Few days after all of that business we are on normal schedule once more.

"Keima, Keima. Let's go out again!" Said Elsie in a cheerful manner grabbing my hand to go outside in the morning.

"Sigh, It's still morning love. Don't you think it was a bit early?"

"But, you have spent time with Tenri the whole summer, right? It's rare for you to just spend your time with only me. Come one. I'm your girlfriend right."

I wash my face.

"Of course you are. Okay, so where do you want to go exactly?"

"Well, let's just enjoy the beach. I want to show you my new bikini. I brought this just for you, you know?"

I smiled at her who flaunt it to me.

She opens up her upper button.

"See? I have already worn them. We can enjoy ourselves on the beach. Just the two of us." She let out for me to see a nice black thing cover her upper side.

"Well, you hook me certainly. Let's go then." I said while grinning.

For this, I decided to just enjoy our day inside the bach in our HQ.

As there is no one there we certainly enjoy our time and have some fun time that I won't tell you for now.

On the noon Komachi was the one who grabs my attention as we seat ourselves on my throne.

"I hear you have a fun time with Elsie." SHe said.

I raised my eyebrow.

"I guess!"

"Hey, how about we just let this stay here for a bit and go outside right now. Do you know? It's our last day on summer vacation this year after all." She said.

To that, I just point to the stacking Paper about a report from everyone.

"You can use Shadow Clone for that right?"

"I can. But I won't. Shadow Clone has some weaknesses in that regard. Making me confuse about the report. And I just want to do it myself. Do you know? Being responsible and all that." I said.

"But I guess if you want I can go with you. Of course, as long as it's not too long."

She smiles, "Aww, thank you, love!" She said and kiss me.

I just smile and the two of us go outside again.

"Are you hungry?" I ask her.

"IT's lunchtime after all. How about we go to a nice place to eat?"

"I want Ramen." She said.

"Ramen? Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I know you can buy me anything else. But I want to eat Ramen badly now."

"I guess Ramen it is." And so we eat Ramen as our lunch.

After that, we go back to me reading the report and made some decisions. And Komachi getting the repot saved on the shelve.

And of course the last was nighttime with Tenri.

"You don't have to push yourself you know?" I told Tenri to worry that she pushes herself to stay with me this late.

"You don't have to worry about that. I'm helping you right? Besides, there is some potion ready for me tomorrow right?"

"Of course. Thank you for the help, dear."

"I'm happy to help, of course, love." She kisses me.

And as the report finally finished for the day instead of going to sleep the two of us just enjoying each other as we fell asleep together on the bed.


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And thank you for reading this at least.
