"Shiori!" I confront her.

And as expected she ignore me.

"Sigh. Did she remember already?" I mutter to myself."

"Should I confront her again? Yeah, I should!" I search for her again as after I finish my monolog she isn't on my eyes again.

Looking for her in this place didn't take much time.

Even if this is big place and quite crowded I just wait until she finally back to the helpdesk.

There neatly a notebook. One that if I remember correctly where Shiori put her story.

'Should I look at it?' I thinking to myself.

I grab it and open the book.

Her writing is good I guess.

What she write is quite boring but her penmanship is good is what I mean.

Then after add something here and there I put them back again there.

She hasn't come yet.

Hm? This is? I frown at my name with chocholat.

'Handmade? Is this her cooking?'

When I try to put it in my mouth someone grab it.

She push me away for a bit.

After she grab it she throw it away and grab her other cookies. Before she manange to run away I quickly grab her so she couldn't go away from me.

'I didn't like to sound this cringe after all!'

"Let's go!" I transport the two of us.

Luckily I already made clone and that clones replace the two of us in school.

"Huh? Where am I?" Shiori look confused at the sudden teleport.

"We are in my palace. This is the place where I control my movement!" I replied her.

She of course look confused even more didn't understand of what am I saying.

Of course she is like that.

I just teleport her here suddenly without much explanation after all.

"Will you listen to me now?" I ask her carefully.

Finally she look like she is in defeat and even glare at me.

Though for me it look like she is just pouting.

"You certainly look adorable though!" I smile slyly at her when she look fluster

"I guess you must remember seeing that you rather avoid me and even bake me some cookies. It's good by the way!" I manage to eat one after all.

"I remember Komachi-san asked me about you and at the time I didn't know why. But then I remember what happen!" She say quitely.

SIgh, At least this is better then Tenri's suttering.

So there is that I guess.

"Yeah, I guess that manage to do it!" I replied her.

"So did you want to know what happen or do you want to go back now?" I offer her.

Truthfully there is no rush in talking to her and bring out Minerva to full power.

I want to take it easy for now.

"I... I want to know!" Took her sometimes but she reply me with that.

So I told her the big picture of what happen.

That she is possed by evil spirit before and that she just remember that because of she have a Goddesess inside her.

"If you didn't bring me here and if I haven't meet Minerva-san I would think that you are crazy or something!" She look exaparated.

Oh? She already meet her huh.