"Keima-kun, Yui told me that she has start to talk with Kujou-san!" Said Tenri when I come back to class.
"Has it started? Good. Keep it up. Well, you guys can convince her first. I have something to do after school if it's fine for you guys!" Komachi and Tenri look confuse at that while Elsie just staring at me suspiciously.
Well, Elsie's jealousy aside she is one of those three who have uncontrolled emotion. So besides making her feel happy after this I got nothing to do.
"What are you going to do Keima-kun?" Asked Tenri
"I have some business with Kusunoki. Don't worry. I will take the three of you after all of this is over so don't mind it too much please!" I said to them.
"Well, it's fine for me though!" Said Komachi while Tenri sighing at that.
And Elsie too.
After that class is starting.
Dokuro sure is a hard worker huh.
She teaches class diligently.
When the class is over I said to the other that I will go now and told them to take care of Tsukiyo until I come back.
I come to Kusunoki's class 3-A.
"Hey!" When I called her over the other watch us quietly.
Is something wrong?
Must be my feeling.
"Keima-kun, you are here. Let's go then!" Kusunoki said this and walk toward me looking somewhat more elegant.
I can feel the other senpai look toward us some in jealousy and some in confusion.
She is quite popular after all.
Despite her strength, she is also kinder than her series version so many here like her.
So we walk out together.
"Where are we going Keima-kun?" She asks me
"Well, since this is a good time how about I show you my palace?" There is no harm in doing that.
Only those I gave my permission can come after all.
And that place can't get infiltrated by anyone so it's fine to show around.
"Hm? Do you have a palace?" She asks in wonder
"Yeah, kinda. That's my HQ btw. Besides that it's safe to place as no one without my permission can enter. I even have tried it on that old Azazel. You know how strong that old man is so yeah!" She looks amazed at me when I say that.
True enough even if she told it to their faction which I didn't think she will do it if there is no reason too they won't be able to come.
Sometimes I'm amazed by my own OPness.
When we got to some secluded place I hold her hand and teleport us to go there right away.
I think I told them to just bring Tsukiyo right away right? Well introducing her to the other should be fine right?
When we teleport there isn't any one of those three there.
Must be held up by something then.
"Well, we are here. Let's enjoy our time!" I said to her and we sat down in the garden.
Spending our time till they arrive.