"Thank you for coming Kanon-san!" I said to the pink hair girl.
After what happen before I didn't really want to give up the chance. And told them to bring her if she knows them.
She certainly remembers Elsie and even asks of me which is enough for Elsie just to drag her here for me.
Though surprised that this is not a dream she finally aware of me.
"Keima-kun!" She attempts to hug me.
As there are just two of us here I just let her hug me.
It's just a hug after all. And when she finally let go I let her sit in front of me.
"Sigh, Did Elsie give you the information you need to know?"
"All of this is real?"
"Of course!" I just chuckle that she still thinks this is a dream as it was very funny to me.
I told Elsie to grab her when her job is finish for the day and she got back to her apartment.
"Then, Apolo is real too?" Her face seems genuine surprise and wants to know.
"You have met her?" Making even my surprise that she is contacted by Apolo. Of course, I forgot the power that our love gives Apolo some of her power back.
"Yes, she talks to me when I saw a mirror. She is there. She told me stories!" I just nod.
"She is real indeed. I'm sorry that we have to meet under these situations Kanon!"
She looks confused at me.
I can only sigh, "You of course aware that with Apolo's real, supernatural is also real!" She still seems to confuse.
"It means your power is something that is desire by many factions!" She looks scared.
"Luckily I have solutions for you Kanon!" I smiled kindly at her. But for a moment I shudder at that as I remember "Granpa-Greater-Good"
"What is it Keima-kun?" She asks me curiously.
"I will take Apollo away from you and you won't remember a thing that happens. You can return to your normal life!" Kanon seems angry at that and I can only continue...
"Or you can join us while I awaken her full power inside you!"
"Join you?" Actually as expected of a young idol. She can control her emotions better than anyone I know.
"I have made an organization. Where we humans can band together and any like-minded people to protect the normal human from the danger of supernatural side!"
She nods at my explanation.
"It's amazing Keima-kun!" She praises me.
"I know. Do you want to join?" I ask her again.
"Will I have to quit my job?"
"No, I have many other people that if I make them quit it will be troublesome. As long as you can help when it's important then it's fine for me!"
"I don't mind joining then. Uhm, also... Keima-kun... about us?" She looks flustered and blushing that I know what she really means.
Sigh, she actually wants to talk about it huh.
And here I am wanting to stir this before she wants to know....