The right course is to fight it huh.

When all have gathered I already told them and give some briefing about the situations. About the horrors.

They began more willed to fight.

That's good at least.

The people I have saved after going through all of it become somberly realize that they won't get help from anyone else. They are even angry at the supposed devil that is living in their village all this time.

They are only a small village thankfully. After that, the Goido announce they are helping the people to settle a new village.

Of course, that's for later.

As I and Elsie is here.

Elsie those few days looks restless. Look guilty. I didn't, no... we never blamed her.

She is one of us.

"SIgh, don't make that kind of face Elsie. You won't be cute if you do!" I smiled kindly at her.

"I know, the other already assure me that. But the villager is giving me a suspicious look Keima-kun!"

"They will come along. They just got tragedy. It will pass if you do the right thing. Besides you want to watch them huh?" We sit on VIP that we already booked.

Good thing too.

"I hear what happen boy!" Azazel comes to sit with us.

"That so? What will you do about that?" I didn't look at him, calming Elsie so at least her worry disappear and she gives more smiles while she watches them fight.

"Nothing, I just want to know what will you do?" He continue to ask me.

What is it anyway?

"Are they punished? The devils who party while the village destroyed?"

"Do you really need to ask?" Of course, that devil rarely sees us as equal after all.

Sure, some like the reincarnated devil still see us as an equal, but the more traditional devil? Devil from birth? No, I don't think they do.

At best they will act kindly.

Kind doesn't mean they see human, ordinary human as an equal.

So they didn't get punished didn't surprise me that much. Anyway, "Azazel, there is something I need from you!"

"Hm?" He looks interested.

"Well, it's nothing to much. I just want to know what will you guys do to Khaos Brigade?" Remembering that Ophis is with me. Well not with me but she is doing her things on my HQ.

"Those huh? Don't know, we already created a new team to fight them. We even fight Loki you know?" Ah, that should be before huh.

Well, I didn't really know when is that. Not like it really matter.

"Oh, I know. It's when Odin was coming right?" He didn't even look surprise that I know some.

Like I said, it's not really important.

"Well, you want to join us?"

"No, there is no need. If they operate on my place we will just kindly ask them to leave or else!" He laugh at that.

"True enough. Though then I won't be able to give you much. At least I can say the team that's on DxD!"

I just nods and listening to him.

Not as good as I want but I know they won't be much problem for me if I go there then.

"It's over, we are going Elsie!" I leave with Elsie who is smiling seeing her team win and going to our date.

At least she start smiling again...