Perfect together

Y/n: "wait? i don't think so"

Jungkook: "what if....someone's going to confess to you and he's going to say that he loves you so much, what are you going to do?"

Y/n: "it depends on my love, if i feel something for him too then why not"

Jungkook: "okayyy"

someone interrupt the two of you

Taehyung: "Yah! stop being sweet! go down, we want to play" he said so serious and left. you two go down too.

Y/n: "then what game do you want to play?" you said while going down with jungkook

Jimin: "yah, why are you two together?"

Jungkook: "it's a coincidence"

Jin: "we're still thinking what game to play"

Y/n: "then think about it while i'm out to buy drinks for y'all"

Yoongi: "nice!"

Y/n: "love go with me"

Kai: "No, i'm tired. go with taehyung instead"

Y/n: "do you want?" you directly asked taehyung "if no one wants then i'm going alone" you continued

Taehyung: "i didn't say anything, let's go" he stood up and left with you

*Your pov

the two of you were so silent, you are just focusing on driving and he's just watching the road but you broke the silence

Y/n: "Yah why are you so quite"

Taehyung: "ahh uhmm...i don't have a topic to give" he said and you chuckled

Y/n: "tell me if you're going to buy something you want so we're going to that place"

Taehyung: "i don't have thanks"

Y/n: "okay"

later on, the two of you arrived at the grocery store

Y/n: "go get a drinks and i'm going to get a snacks"

Taehyung: "okay" he said and the two of you separate

while you are picking some snacks, you saw a little boy crying and you went to him

Y/n: "hey little boy, why are you crying?" you said wiping his tears

Boy: "i-i lost my m-mom" he sob

Y/n: "hmmmm, come with me and let's find your mom. do you trust me?" you smiled at him

Boy: "help me" he continue crying

Y/n: "okay, then let unnie carry you" you said and carriend him, taehyung saw and heard you two.

You went to the counter with the little boy

Y/n: "Miss this boy lost his mom, can you announce it?"

Miss: "Okay miss, what's his name?"

Y/n: "what's your name little boy?"

Boy: "Jaehyun"

the girl turned on the mic and announce it

Miss: "Please pay attention everyone, do you have a child named Jaehyun? He's here with me right now so please come here at the counter to get your child, thank you"

Miss: "Miss take a seat with him first while waiting" she smiled, you and little boy take a seat

Y/n: "jaehyun-ahh, wait for your mom here okay" you said to him smiling while patting his head

Jaehyun: "No unnie, stay with me until my mom will take me" he said with a pitiful face. someone went in your front and bend down

Taehyung: "hello little boy, you're mom will be there too okay?" he smiled at jaehyun

Jaehyun: "thank you hyung" he frowned

Taehyung: "here take this" he handed a banana milk and sat beside him, you and taehyung looks like a parents of jaehyun. after a few minutes his mom went to us

Mother: "Oh my god jaehyun-ahhh, i'm sorry" she rushed and hug jaehyun, you and taehyung stood up and smiled at them

Mother: "thank you for helping my son" she bowed to us

Y/n: "it's okay unnie, just watch him always next time" you smiled

Mother: "the two of you looks so perfect together" she smiled and left, you and taehyung feel so awkward

Y/n: "let's pay for this and leave, they are waiting for us" you smiled at him and pay the drinks and snacks, and went to your car

Y/n: "please wear your seatbelt"

Taehyung: "why? i mean-" you cutted him

Y/n: "just wear it" you said and started to drive so fast

Taehyung: "ya-yahh!! you are so fast, slow down!!" he said worriedly but you just laughed

Y/n: "trust me, i won't put your life in danger. we need to go faster or else they will get mad"

Taehyung: "my life is in danger already!"

Y/n: "we're near, just calm yourself"

after 5minutes, you two arrived and opened the door and saw them sitting at the sofa. Taehyung worn out

Mara: "why it takes you two so long?!"

Jimin: "what happen to you taehyung?"

Y/n: "i'm sorry" you patted his back and sat at the sofa

Taehyung: "this crazy girl want to kill me" he said as he sat down and you chuckled

Rm: "what?"

Taehyung: "she drove so fast!!" he said that make y'all chuckled except him

Y/n: "i told you that we need to get here as fast as we can, they are waiting" you said while laughing

Jungkook: "but why it took you two so long?"

Taehyung: "she helped a little boy" he got back in to normal

Yoongi: "little boy?"

Taehyung: "yeah, y/n saw the boy crying and she asked if what happend, he said he lost his mom so y/n helped him and we wait for his mother to take that little boy" he explained