Confessed and found out

Taehyung: "relaxing?" he said and sat beside you

Y/n: "why are you here?"

Taehyung: "to think how to say the words to you that i'm keeping for a long time" he said looking at you

Y/n: "huh? what it is?" you asked confused

Taehyung: "what if i told you that i like you?" he said that makes you chuckled

Taehyung: "i'm being serious so stop laughing"

Y/n: "okay sorry...let me ask you"

Taehyung: "ask"

Y/n: "why do you like me?"

Taehyung: "because you are being you"

Y/n: "w--" before you say something he cutted you

Taehyung: "and i love the way you are"

Y/n: "are you serious about that?"

Taehyung: "i want to be honest, i don't want to keep it for too long. I confessed not knowing if you like me too" he chuckled

Y/n: "godddd, i don't know what will i do to you" you chuckled

Taehyung: "don't pressure yourself about that, i just want to let that words go." he smiled and left

Y/n: "the hell, he confessed. i don't know what to do, i don't know what to react" you said so shock


you went down and saw them sitting in the living room.

Y/n: "so y'all really planned to stay here huh?" you said while going down stairs

Mara: "yeah, i told you that i don't want you to feel alone." she said smiling at you

Y/n: "tsssk, thanks for that" you smiled and went to your library

You grab a book to read this time and sat on the couch. in the middle of your reading, someone came in.

Jimin: "hello kitty" he said and sat beside you

Y/n: "hey little mochi" you replied back that makes him chuckled

Jimin: "mochi?" he said chuckling

Y/n: "yeah, don't like it?"

Jimin: "never mind" he said and stood up to grab a book and read with you

Y/n: "what kind of book did you pick?"

Jimin: "about...martial arts or taekwondo moves?" he said and you chuckled "how about you? what book is that"

Y/n: "deadly force"

Jimin: "deadly force? what's about that?"

Y/n: "to understand your right to self defense. let's just say it's about guns" you said while reading

Jimin: "why are you so interested in that kinds of things? knife and guns, what's your reason?"

Y/n: "because i can use it when it about you? why did you pick that book?"

Jimin: "to learn" he said and you chuckled

Y/n: "if you want to learn just ask me directly, i can teach you" you said and his eyes widened

Jimin: "really?!" he's smiling to you ear to ear

Y/n: "just tell me if you want to start already" you said and get back to read

Jimin: "thank you!!" he said in excitement and hug you, you were shocked 'cause you didn't expect that he would to that

Y/n: "yah do you think i forgot what you just did last night?" you said so serious and he quickly broke the hug.

Jimin: "ahhmm uhhh...i'm sorry, i'm drunk last night so i don't know what am i doing"

Y/n: "just don't do it again." you said and you got a message so you take a look into it. it's your friend and he sent a picture to you. the picture he sent was Mara's boyfriend flirting with another girl


Chanyeol: "this is mara's boyfriend right?"

Y/n: "yeah"

Chanyeol: "why the fuck he's doing? he's flirting with other girl!"

Y/n: "where is that?" you said with the anger of your face, jimin got confused so he ask you

Jimin: "hey what's wrong?" he asked, chanyeol sent the place where felix and the girl was

Y/n: "fuck, you're a deadmeat" you stood up and rushed to leave the library room.

Jimin: "Yah y/n!!" he shouted, the boys got shocked and mara got shocked when you come out angrily to the library

Mara: "y/n what's happen?" she asked as she stood up.

Y/n: "just wait and see" you said and left them

Jungkook: "what happend to her?"

Jimin: "someone sent a message and after she saw a picture, she got mad and she said you're a dead meat then she came out"

Kai: "Good luck to that person" he said

Yoongi: "is that person will die?"

Kai: "it depends on y/n"

Taehyung: "can you follow her and check her out?"

Kai: "the fuck, i still want to live my life! if i'd follow her she might get angry and kill me. you don't know her, if you did something without her permission, you'll going to meet god"

Hobi: "ooowwww"

Mara: "let's just wait for her" she said worriedly

*Your pov

You arrived at the place and you clearly saw felix flirting with the girl. you went closer to them so calm

Y/n: "hello felix, how's your day? you said smiling at them. felix shocked when you showed up

Felix: "ahmm w-why are you here?" he asked stuterring

Y/n: "ohhh why are you stuterring? got shocked?"

Felix: "y-" before he say something you cut him

Y/n: "who's this fucking-snaky girl?" you asked as you glared to the girl

Girl: "i'm his girlfriend! and who the fuck are you?!"

Felix: "Rina stop-"

Y/n: "ohhh watch your words pussycat"

Girl: "how dare you say that to me!" she's about to slap you but you quickly punch her face that makes her fell down and you grab her hair tightly

Felix: "ya-yah y/n let her go!" he pushed you, you puched him so hard and grab your knife

Y/n: "do you think mara won't find this out? flirting with another girl even though you're in a relationship with her?!"

Felix: "i love them both!" he said and you laughed

Y/n: "what the fuck felix! do you love them both?! you two will come with me, just follow what i said if you don't want this fucking asshole girl to die!" you said and y'all went to your car and go to house