It's hard

*Jungkook's pov*

Morning comes and i need to meet and talk to taehyung just to discuss something.

It is about partnering in business. I drove to his company and after a few minutes i reached the building. I entered and ask the front desk receptionist if taehyung is busy.

Jungkook: "good morning" i smiled

Receptionist: "good morning too Mr. Jeon" she greeted back with a smile too

Jungkook: "i'm here to see Kim Taehyung. Is he busy?"

Receptionist: "just wait sir. I'll just call his secretary."

-after the call-

Receptionist: "Mr. Kim's meeting was done already but he has a visitors(Y/n & Yoongi) in his office for awhile"

Jungkook: "okay, i'll just wait here." I said and sat down at the waiting area.


While waiting, someone called my name.

Yoongi: "kook?" He approached me

Jungkook: "hyung..." i stood up

Yoongi: "what are you doing here?"

Jungkook: "to discuss something to taehyung and i'm waiting here 'cause the receptionist said that tae has a 2 visitors for 'bout you, what are you doing here hyung?"

Yoongi: "ohhh i am one of that 2 visitors and y/n is the other one. I came here just to visit him and i'm about to leave too."

Jungkook: "ohh okay hyung, be careful." We hugged

Yoongi: "you too" he smiled and left...

Jungkook: "so y/n is here..." i thought and everything that happens last night, pump in my mind. THAT WAS THE FIRST TIME THAT I KISSED HER AGAIN AFTER MANY YEARS!!! not bad 'cause i kissed her, but i did the wrong thing. She's in a relationship and i musn't do that to respect them.

After a few minutes, some of employees suddenly stood up and whispering to each others while smiling. And that time, i saw y/n and taehyung.

Y/n: "why?" She asked the employees

Employee1: "we just notice Mr. Kim's mood now Ms. Y/n."

Employee2: "because when he entered the building, he's not in the mood. He is not smiling even in the meeting and after that. But when you visited he's smiling already." They smiled same with taehyung and y/n.

Taehyung: "because she's my mood and life changing." He said smiling. Not gonna lie, that's true. But it hurts me a bit as y'all know, i still love her but i need to deal with the pain. AND YEAHHH!!! THE GUY WHO AM I SUPPOSED TO MEET AND TALK JUST LEFT ALREADY!! WHAT AM I GOING TO DO HERE IF HE LEFT NOW?!

Jungkook: "but i wanna watch the cctv footage where yoongi hyung, y/n and taehyung was in his office." I thought and head to the cctv room. I don't know but there's a sudden feeling that i felt. I think there's something wrong. I felt that there is something that i need to know or what??? I don't know!!!!

...cctv room...

"Good morning Mr. Jeon" the two staff greeted me

Jungkook: "good morning too. Will you both leave for now? I'll just check something."

Staff: "yes sir, no problem." He said and they both left. They know that i am taehyung's friend that's why they listened.

I sat down in front of the monitor and click the footage of taehyung's office and rewind it.


**jungkook was done watching the footage where taehyung cried and yoongi was comforting him.**

Jungkook: "why is he crying?" I asked myself "there's something that tae is hidding. Yoongi hyung was shocked when he cried....i don't know if i'll ask them now or i'll just wait 'til they will say it." I continued and play the footage again where y/n came to tae's office.


I immediately stop the footage when y/n and taehyung kissed again for the second time. I can't bear it. It's just hurting me, i'll literaly break down if i still continue watching it. Tears formed in my eyes. My heart aches.

Jungkook: "i am suffering now because of me..." i whispered to myself as i wiped my tears, turn back the footage and left the cctv room.

*Y/n's pov*

After eating and having fun with taehyung, you both straightly went to the house since it's already evening.

Y/n: "go and freshen up yourself now" you smiled to him as you touched his chin

Taehyung: "i can't wait for the official" he seductively said to you as he went upstairs to take a shower.


You already took a shower downstairs too. You just wear your underwears and a red silk robe. You went to the room where you and tae were using. You were just drinking wine in the bed while waiting for taehyung.

*Taehyung's pov*

While showering, the mistake came in to my mind again.

Taehyung: "is this right?" I thought "i feel so fucking ashamed!!!" I thought again as i put my hands in my head. I am hurting! Something will going to happen again tonight between me and y/n but what i keep thinking is, if doing this with y/n when i just mistakenly sex with a other girl, is okay?!?! Arghh it's hard!!!

...after showering...

I shrugged that all thoughts away of my mind. I went out of the bathroom wearing a robe. I found y/n so hot sitting and drinking in the bed, wearing a red silk robe.

Y/n: "ohhh you're done" she said

Taehyung: "damn, you look so good. You never fail to attract me with your hotness huh" i gave her a smirked as i went closer to her, grabbed the glass of wine from her hand and drunk it. I put the glass in the table and kissed her passionately. I laid her down in the bed without breaking the kiss. I removed everything to her as i did the same to me, and have fun tonight.....

-timeskippppppp- *Morning*

*Jungkook's pov*

The sun light hit my sleeping face that makes me woke up. I went to the bathroom to take a bath and after wearing my clothes, i picked the black box that was placed under of my bed. I sat down of my bed and open it.

Jungkook: "i miss you so so bad love..." i said and smiled as i picked the picture of me and y/n together. Yes, that black box is full of our beautiful memories. "But you are living happily with your love one now." I continued "i can't move on from you. I can't forget you. I can't replace you. It's hard. I don't want to move on from one can replace your special and big place here in my heart." I sadly said but i just smiled.