
*Taehyung's pov*

-Timeskip- -6pm-

Y/n called me and told me that she went straight to her parents after meeting jungkook. After my meeting and work in my office, i went to our house to find some important files.

I arrived in the house and went straight to my work room.

"Where did i put that damn file?" I asked myself while looking in the shelf.....few minutes passed but i can't still find it. "Ohh right cctv" i thought as i smiled and rush to the cctv room. Cctv footage pump in my mind 'cause i remember that there's a cctv in my work room. I sat down in front of the monitor, and started to find the footage of my work room while rewinding every footages of the cctv around the house.

"What is the date when i kept that file?" I thought and suddenly remembered it "ohh right. The day before the day i went out to have fun with my old friends." I said and continue rewinding it....after a minute of rewinding, my fingers that's keeping from clicking the mouse, suddenly stopped when i saw jungkook in the footage.

"Why is he here?" I knitted my brows and click the footage that was recorded when y/n meet jungkook that night. I keep on watching it with my brows knitting. In the footage, jungkook went inside and sat down in the living room while y/n went upstairs. While he's waiting, he stood up and went straight to our album room. He was just looking around when y/n went inside too. She approaches him but he pushed her to the wall and kiss her! I can literally say that y/n is pushing him away then he did it too. My blood boil from anger as i stopped the footage and slam the desk. "Why?!?! How dare you!!!" I shouted in anger. I clicked the footage again to continue watching it. In the footage where jungkook left the album room, y/n followed. As y/n left the room, she went straight to her office while jungkook maybe went to the rooftop. 30 minutes passed when jungkook came down and head to the office room. I clicked the footage of the office of y/n then there jungkook entered. I clearly saw that he smiled and sat down beside y/n who fell asleep. He was just staring at her and saying something as he tucked her hair in her ear. Later on, he carried y/n in a bridal style and went out of the office. There's no cctv in our room now that's why i didn't know what happened in there. Anger raised on me. I was so angry because i know that jungkook still love her. What if he will got y/n back?! No! I don't want that to happen!!.....i left the cctv room, grabbed my key, coat and went to my car to head in jimin's house since they told me to come there to have a dinner with the boys. If i ever saw jungkook there, i don't know what will happen.

"I swear to god Jeon Jungkook. How dare you to touch her." I said to my self full of anger.

*Jungkook's pov*

After the meeting with y/n, i went to visit mom and dad in their house. I told everything to dad about what i and y/n just talked about company. My dad was so grateful of taehyung's help especially of y/n. I left their house and just got inside my car. I was about to drove off too when my phone suddenly ring that made me stop for awhile.

..on the phone..

Jungkook: "hyung, why did you call?"

Jin: "where are you?"

Jungkook: "about to go home, why?"

Jin: "come here in your jimin hyung's house. We are all here to have a dinner except y/n since she's with her family. Come fast! And be careful on your way!" He said in a calm voice.

Jungkook: "yes hyung. On the way." I smiled and cutted the call. I am driving now, enjoying the road and those street lights. My phone ring again for the second time. I looked in the caller ID but it was 'Unknown' but then i still picked it up while focusing on the road.

Jungkook: "hello?"

???: "J-Jungkook..." the other line said. It is a girl's voice that i don't know. It is not even familiar to me.

Jungkook: "who's this? How did you get my number?" I asked confusedly.

???: "that is not important now. I-i have s-something to tell you....can we meet?"

Jungkook: "whoever you are or what but listen to me, i'm not that kind of person who's so easy to fool around. You didn't say your name, you didn't answer my question when i asked you how did you get my number and you even want to meet with me?" I said, knitting my brows and still driving.

???: "just this once please? Please listen to me. I'm not someone who's fooling you. I'm not your stalker or whatsoever! Just please i beg you jungkook. Let's meet. I need to tell you something important." She said with a begging voice.

Jungkook: "then answer my question first, why do you want to meet me? What do you want to tell me?"

???: "t-this is a-about me and t-taehyung...." she stuttered

Jungkook: "and why does my hyung got involved here?!"

???: "i-i'll explain when we meet already"

Jungkook: "are you just using him so that i can meet you?! Just fucking straight to the point!"

???: "something happened between me and taehyung!!" She shouted that made me suddenly hit the break of the car. After the car stop, i was just staying quite after what i just heard.

Jungkook: "you both what?" I asked, can't still believe it.

???: "you won't understand it so please meet me!" She said almost cracking her voice.

Jungkook: "i'm not believing you...i'm not a fool! Tae hyung won't do that! He has a fiancè!!" I angrily said

???: "i sent a picture on you." She said and i quickly take a look on it. I opened her message, it was a picture. It was him. It was fucking him!!! He's with a girl, making out with that girl!! Is this all true?!...the call cutted and she message me again.

???: "xxx coffee shop...i am waiting here and i am expecting you to show up here. Please i need your help. I need to tell you something important. If you also want to understand everything, then come here." She texted. I immediatelly went to the coffee shop where she was now.