Take her

After punching so hard these 2 bastard, the bar guards took them out of the room.

Taehyung rushed to Y/n worriedly.

Taehyung: "Y/n i'm sorry. I'm sorry if i'm late." He said as he hug her tightly.

He made her sit down in the bed and button her dress' buttons.

Seeing some hickies in her neck and chest made him clench his hands in Y/n's dress as he lean his head in to Y/n's shoulder, crying.

He's hurting seeing it, same goes to me.

She's his fiancè.

He doesn't want this to happen.

I don't also want this to happe.

No one want this to happen.

Y/N: "no tae, i'm sorry. It's not your fault, me neither. It's irene. This is all her plan."

When i heard her name again, i got more angry.

How can she do this?!

Is this because of me again?!

Why can't she just leave us alone?!

Taehyung: "jungkook, let's talk outside for awhile." He stood up as we both leave the room, leaving Y/n behind.

...Our convo outside...

Jungkook: "what is it?"

Taehyung: "can you please do me a favor?"

Jungkook: "tell me."

Taehyung: "take Y/n with you for awhile." He said that makes my brows knitted at him.

Jungkook: "what the hell hyung? You are going to trust me with this when you know what's her condition? Hyung you know what kind of drug she had."

Taehyung: "yes i know that. You still love her but i know you so well kook. You know that she's my fiancè so you won't do such a thing."

Jungkook: "but why me if you can just take her with you?"

Taehyung: "i need to do something important for awhile. After that, i'll get her." He said as i just sighed.

I have no choice but to take her with me.

We open the door to see her sleeping already.

Hyung went to wake her up.

Taehyung: "love, you will go with jungkook for now." He said but Y/n just kiss him.

God!! Why infront of me?!!

Hyung stood up. I went to Y/n and carry her in a bridal style.

Jungkook: "we'll go now."

Taehyung: "take care of her. Be careful on your way."

Jungkook: "don't worry and careful too."

With that, tae hyung left the bar as i also left with Y/n and head to my house.


We both finally reach my house.

I carry her in a bridal style again to place her in my bed.

Y/N: "why?" She suddenly asked that makes me stop of walking.

"Why do i feel so horny?" She continued as i just chuckle and continued to walk.

This crazy girl.

I open the door of my room and place her to my bed.

Jungkook: "are you okay or are you drunk?" I asked, sitting down next to her.

Y/N: "feeling drunk because of the drug."

Jungkook: "wait me here. I'll get what you need."

I stood and about to leave but i just got pulled down and fall in the top of Y/n.

Y/N: "you're the one i need." She said and smashed her lips in mine.

Oh no.....

Tae hyung will beat me.

Her kiss gets deeper.

She locked her arms in my neck while my arms were beside her head to support my body.

This is not right but....i just kiss her back to lessen her horny feeling.

I miss the moment like this before.

We do it freely and not secretly or what 'cause we both own each others.

While kissing, Y/n makes her move to get in my top.

Jungkook: "come on Y/n, you're not---" I got cutted when she kiss me again.

After a few minutes, she finally broke the kiss and burried her face in my neck.

"Y/n you need to stop. You're not in your right mind." I said while gently tapping her back.

Y/N: "then please leave." She murmured as i feel my neck wet.

She's crying.....

"Please leave me alone. Leave me alone in this room. Something not right might happen between us if you won't leave." She continued as i heard more sobs from her.

"I have no control in my body...please jungkook. I don't wanna betray taehyung."

By hearing her last words, i felt a sharp pang in my heart

But he already mistakenly betrayed you Y/n.

With that, i placed her carefully to the bed and covered her with the blanket.

She turned to the other side and started to sleep.

I looked at her one more time and left the room.

Before i got down, i button the 3 top button of my shirt that got unbotton.

Feeling mad and hurt makes me grab a wine for me to drink.

Where did tae hyung go?

What important thing he needs to do than taking care of his fiancè?

While having a deep thoughts, the kiss popped in my mind.

That's so hella hot side of her.

She's rarely doing that when it comes in a hot and wild situation.

That drug mades her act like that.

But why did Irene did that?

She didn't showed up or what that makes me think of her.

She stayed quite when i broke up with her but what's this sudden action, Irene?

She's just lucky that i got busy punching those bastards that's why she had a chance to run away.

I drank the glass of wine and my phone suddenly ring.

It's tae hyung.

Jungkook: "where are you now?"

Taehyung: "i'm on my way."

Jungkook: "hurry up and take her before i can even help your fiancè to achieve her sexual desires." I threatened in a cold voice.

Taehyung: "don't you dare Jeon Jungkook."

Jungkook: "then be fast. What's more important that you need to do first rather than taking care of her?"

Taehyung: "where are you? Where did you take Y/n?"

Jungkook: "in my house." With that, he hanged up.

Few minutes passed and tae hyung arrived here.

Taehyung: "why are you drinking?" He asked as he sat down with me

Jungkook: "it's my business." I said

I picked one more glass, pour a wine and give it to him

Taehyung: "thanks."

Jungkook: "where did you go? Why is it important more than your girl?"

Taehyung: "i met tzuyu."

Jungkook: "the girl who have your baby. What's the reason?"

Taehyung: "i went to comfirm it all." He said as he drank his drink

Jungkook: "so what did you got?"

Taehyung: "it was all true. She's pregnant but we don't know if it's really my child."