
I couldn't see where I was going as my eyes were filled with tears. I turned here and there, not knowing where I was going cause that was not important.

I couldn't stop thinking about it. How Taehyung could hide this from me? He's my fiancé yet he didn't think of telling me, even after she's pregnant.

My entire mind was on that video and Taehyung hiding it. I couldn't focus on anything else. I looked to the side and noticed I was on Han river bridge. I stopped and got down. I stood by the railing, with teary eyes not able to forget about it.

*Jungkook's POV*

As soon as Y/n left, I too left. I knew she'd do something stupid and I should stop her. I got in my car and drove every where I can think of she'd be.

I broke her heart first and now Taehyung hyung. I really feel bad for her. I shouldn't have let her go. It's all my fault. I drove everywhere I could, but she was nowhere to be found.

The sun was setting down I still haven't found her. I'm scared I might have to lose her this time.

As I was driving over the bridge, I noticed a familiar car, standing by the side. I parked behind it and got down. I looked around and saw Y/n standing by the railing and looking at Han river. I ran towards her and turned her around.

"Y/n, what are you doing here?" I asked worried. She didn't reply anything and hugged me, clutching onto my shirt. I wrapped my arms around her and comforted her.

"Let me take you home." I said. She shook her head saying no.

"I... I don't want to go there." She cried.

"Ok, I'll take you to my home." She nodded and I made her sit inside. I got to the other side and sat in the drivers seat and drove to my house.

Meanwhile, at the restaurant,

They all were still there, except Mara and Kai, who also went in search of Y/n.

"I should've told her before." Taehyung said, crying his eyes out.

"I feel so terrible. I broke her heart. She loved me so much, but I broke it." He cried. Hoseok sat beside him and comforted him.

"Tae, think of what to do next. Now that she knows, find a solution." Namjoon said.

"There are only two options. Either lose Y/n and be with Tzuyu or lose them both." Yoongi said. Taehyung cried more hearing it.

"First, let's get you home." Jin said and they all dispersed from there and headed to the dorm, where they all stayed.

Mara and Kai were worried where Y/n was. They tried calling her, but she didn't respond. This time, they called Jungkook, hoping he'd found her.

"Hello? Jungkook, where is Y/n?" Mara asked, breaking down.

"She's with me, there's nothing to worry. You can meet her at my house." He said and the call ended.

Jungkook reached his home and helped Y/n to get in. She was weak from all the crying. He got her some water and sat opposite to her.

"You knew about it, didn't you?" Y/n asked, which took him off guard.

"W-what are you talking about?"

"Don't lie, please." She said, in a low voice. This made Jungkook's heart break. He didn't want to see the one he loved and still loves, to be in pain. He just wished he could comfort her.

"Jungkook, you knew about it." She made it to a statement. He looked down and nodded his head. Y/n cried silently.

"Why didn't you tell me before, if you knew? Why did you all hide it?" She asked, her voice still feeble.

"I didn't want you to hear it from me." He simply said. He really wanted to tell but he didn't want to spoil her happiness.

The door knocked and Jungkook opened it. Mara came in running and hugged her tight.

"I'm sorry Y/n. I'm sorry. We all knew how much you loved him." She cried. Both Jungkook and Kai looked at them, with worried faces.

"It's not your fault Mara. It's not your fault." Y/n said and they both cried.

Kai hugged them both and comforted them. Jungkook brought a glass of water for Mara and they all sat down. Mara sat next to Y/n and comforted her.

"I never knew Taehyung would do this." Kai stated. 

"It was a stupid mistake though. They both were drunk." Jungkook said. 

"Don't support him, Jungkook. Because of that stupidity, he got her pregnant." Mara said. 

"You guys head home." Y/n said. 

"We can't let you go when you're like this." Kai said. 

"I'll be fine. Just leave me alone for sometime." Y/n said and they left, respecting her words. 

Y/n and Jungkook were left alone.

"Y/n, eat something. You'll become weak if you don't. You only ate little." Jungkook forced her. 

"I don't want. And... don't tell my family about this. They'd be hurt more than me." Y/n said. Jungkook couldn't see her like this. 

He sat beside her as he held her hands. 

"Y/n, look at me." He said and she looked at him, with tears still pouring. 

"Hyung loves you so much. He didn't want to hurt you, so he hid it. But it killed him, not able to tell you or do anything about it. He wants to see you happy and it hurts him that he spoiled it." Jungkook said.

Even though he had feelings for her and wanted her back, he didn't want to see her cry and spoil herself. 

"It freaking hurts, Kook. How will you feel, when the one you love, the one who you gave your entire life, the one who you are engaged with, sleeps with another boy and gets pregnant? How will you feel when you are not the one, who got her pregnant?" She cried.

Jungkook understood what she was saying as he was facing it. He loved Y/n and it killed him that he couldn't be the one to make her happy, while she was with Taehyung. 

He hugged her and caressed her back. Y/n hugged him back too and cried under his arms. 

"I feel like I'm all alone." She murmured. 

"You're not alone Y/n. I'm always here for you, if you need a shoulder to lean on or talk your problems. I'll be there for you, any time, any day." He said and comforted her. 

They both stayed there, hugging each other. Y/n soon fell asleep, under his embrace. Jungkook carried her and placed her in his bed and covered her with the blanket. 

'I didn't want to see you like this, but there was no choice left. I hope I can heal your heart, even if I can't stay as your life partner.' And with that Jungkook got back down. 

As he did, there was quite a loud knock on the door, which made him startle. By the knock, he knew who it would be.