
**Jungkook's POV**

Having no choice of everything that's happening these days which is wrecking me, i decided to just call them even though i don't want to. I just don't want to involve them in to this anymore.


Me: "Dad."

Dad: "Hey son! How are you there?"

Me: "I don't know, because there's this 'certain girl' who suddenly showed up out of nowhere and confuses the hell of me."

: "So now Dad, don't lie about it and tell me honestly on what on earth is Y/n doing in here? You and Mom are the only ones who knew where i am."

Dad: "Okay okay chill. Me and your Mom told her. Y/n came here. Yoongi's the one who told her that you left korea while we're the one who told her which country you are in. After she explain her side, we didn't hesitate to tell her."

Me: "And what explanation of her is that?"

Dad: "An explanation that made us realize how really stupid you are son."

Me: "What's with you and Yoongi hyung saying stupid at me?! Week ago before i left, you are showing how sad you are because of my leaving and now i'm stupid?!"

Dad: "Well because you really are. Bare Y/n for now. Good luck."


What the fuck was that? I'm his son for goddamn sake! Why is he so calm after knowing how fucked up i am?!

**Y/n's POV**

Strolling around the hallway of this fine hotel with my head just lazily hanging down, and my both hands on my coat pocket. I'm just too lazy for today.

While looking down and humming a song to myself, i heard my name being called by someone.

"Y/n?" I looked up to spot a girl wearing a casual attire with a long brown coat and a scarf around her neck.

Well she's pretty too, but she knew me? Do i know her?

Y/N: "oh hi, that's me." I just smiled but after that i furrowed my brows and tilted my head because of confusion.

"You maybe can't remember me because of your obvious confusion. I'm Choi Yuri. I'm in the same batch of college as you." She introduced herself.

Y/N: "ohh okay, but i still don't know you since i can't really remember those students now back then. Sorry." I giggled same as her.

Yuri: "well maybe after telling you our little but sad interaction back then, you'll remember me." She said as i just nodded.

"Graduation ball. The girl you bumped with when you're on your way to the restroom. The girl who tried to stop you from going more further because i saw your ex boyfriend Jeon Jungkook and Irene. Remember?" She stated while i'm still processing everything.

Y/N: "oh yes right! I remember you now." I chuckled.


So here i am with Yuri in the restaurant of this hotel, catching up a little bit about our current lives.

Y/N: "so what do you do now?" I asked while simply eating my pie.

Yuri: "busy running this hotel and some condominiums around the city."

Y/N: "oh wow congrats on your success. I can't believe you own this hotel i am staying." I chuckled same with her.

Yuri: "yeah thank you. I also even knew Jungkook rented one of my condo near this hotel. What's with you two? Why are you both here? Do you mind to share your current living?"

Y/N: "I'm the CEO of Min's Company. A single lady." I shrugged

Yuri: "i heard that Min Company's so successful in Seoul. You're a great CEO Y/n. But why are you single? I also got the news that you're engaged with Taehyung."

Y/N: "ahh that. Well it went complicated so everything came down, but me and my ex-fiancé are in good terms."

Yuri: "what about you and Jungkook?"

Y/N: "that idiotic asshole human being. He tried to win me back again for 3 years straight and then all of a sudden 'he said' that he feel like there's no chance for us anymore and blah blah, so he flew here to 'move on'." I stated with some reactions on it which made her laugh.

Yuri: "but Y/n, do you have any feelings for him again this time?" She sincerely asked as i looked down of my iced coffee on my hand.

Y/N: "well yeah i do have that's why i flew here too to not let him go, and since we coincidentally met here then you told me that you owned this hotel and the condo that he is renting, i guess you will kinda help me a bit with my plan."

"If that's okay for you of course." I smiled

Yuri: "anything that i can do Y/n. I'm on your plan." She winked at me.

Then just like that, i told her which plan of mine she will be on. To my luck she agreed on it since it's just that simple and she told me that she too wants me and Jungkook to be in a relationship again.

Everything is settled now. I just need to face that man again.