Let's exchange lunch!

During class, Gabby saw some letters that were folded into planes landed on Michael's desk. Every time he received the letters, Michael only skimmed the content and then folded them again.

Not meant to be rude, it's just that Gabby was very curious about the contents of the letter Michael received, so whenever Michael read his letter Gabby peeked from the corner of her eyes.

The contents were just like, "Let's have lunch together." or "Every time I see you my heart always flutters." Unable to hold her laughter after peeking into the letter, Gabby chuckled.

"Uh oh, turns out you are popular here." Gabby teased, raising her eyebrows a few times.

Michael was surprised to hear Gabby's voice and then quickly folded the letter back and put it in his desk's locker.

"Shut up. That is none of your business." He replied in a cold tone.

Gabby rolled her eyes and answered, "Alright then, Mr. Popular." She mockingly gestured with locking her mouth and throwing away the key.


During breaktime, Gabby walked to the backyard of the school and tried to socialize better by greeting every student she passed so that she was considered a friendly new kid.

Arriving at the field, she immediately sat on a long wooden chair. She looked around and realized that the backyard of the school was still quiet, only she was there at the moment.

Gabby could smell her mother's cooking before she opened her meal. She could tell by the smell that her mother brought her fried rice, her favorite menu. She motioned her lunch box close to her nose then deeply exhaled the appetizing aroma of her mother's cooking.

When Gabby was about to open up her meal, she smelled something better than her mother's fried rice. The smell was coming from the right side of her seat. Gabby turned and saw the lunchbox that was on Michael's lap.

'Since when has he been here?' Gabby jolted a little in her surprise.

Michael ate quietly as if he didn't notice Gabby's presence. Every time he withdrew the spoon from his lips, he would wipe his mouth with a handkerchief. His lunch etiquette looked very elegant like he was eating in an expensive restaurant.

The smell of the cooking was so mouthwatering that Gabby didn't even notice her mouth began to gape and almost let out drolls.

Unable to stand the smell, Gabby asked him to talk, "Hey, what are you eating?" There were only the two of them in the backyard in the school, Michael looked at Gabby and pointed at himself as if trying to confirm, 'Are you asking me?'

Gabby rolled her eyes and answered, "No! I'm still inviting you to talk to the ladies who are standing behind you."

Michael foolishly looked back and tried to see the imaginary girls that Gabby had lied to.

"Are you stupid or what?! Yes, obviously I talk to you! It's just the two of us here." Gabby snapped.

Michael finished chewing his food, saw the proper eating and replied, "Rice."

"I mean, the side dishes, stupid! I know that you eat rice." Gabby said irritably.

Michael was silent for a moment, looked at Gabby and answered in a cold tone, "Fried chicken in butter sauce."

Gabby couldn't help but laughed loudly, "Don't be pretentious! Just say butter sauce fried chicken." Michael just pointed his middle finger at Gabby then continued eating.

"Can you just stop being so rude?" After asking that to Michael, Gabby felt really stupid then hit herself on the forehead, "Okay, just ignore me."

Michael only looked at Gabby for a moment then continued eating his lunch. Gabby blinked and then had a sinister idea. She walked over to where Michael was sitting and handed him her lunch, "How about we exchange lunch?"

Without thinking Michael shook his head.

'Hmm, so arrogant. No wonder he doesn't have any friends.' Gabby sneered as she thought this.

Gabby impatiently snatched Michael's meal and pushed her meal in front of the teenage boy, "Too slow! I eat this, you eat my lunch!"

Michael could only open his mouth and watch Gabby eat his lunch, "Hey! Don't eat my lunch!" He said, trying to grab his meal back with a trembling voice.

He didn't know what to do because he had never met a woman this crazy.

"You think too long, the breaktime will be over soon. Just eat my lunch already." Gabby said with her mouth full of rice.

Michael gave up and could only watch the girl finish his lunch with hateful eyes. He hated this because why did a teenage boy like him couldn't fight a girl who was only half his size, and hated because he forgot to bring pocket money.

"Okay, just finish my lunch. I'm in." Michael said irritably.

'If only she wasn't a girl I would have asked her to fight.' Michael thought as he walked back toward the class. Still, even if it were a boy who did that, he definitely wouldn't dare to get into a fight either.

It didn't take long before the bell rang and Gabby was back in the classroom with two lunches. One owned by Gabby and the other owned by Michael. She casually walked over to Michael and returned the lunch.

"Thanks, the fried chicken in butter sauce is really delicious." Gabby said scornfully. Michael rolled his eyes and then took the food from Gabby's hands without looking at her face.

At exactly 3 in the afternoon, Adam was standing neatly in front of the car he was driving to pick up Michael. When he saw Michael approaching, he straightened the tie he was wearing, then greeted the young boy while opening the passenger's car.

"Young master." Adam politely greeted him. Michael only nodded his head once.

Indeed, Michael always came home from school with a tired face like he wanted to hurry home and go to sleep on his soft mattress. However, today, Adam thought something was different.

Every two minutes Adam looked into the rear view mirror of the car and noticed that Michael was just looking at the road with an empty gaze while holding his stomach.

"Young master, do we need to stop by the hospital first before returning home?" Adam asked carefully.

"Don't have to. I want to hurry home." Michael replied limply.

Hearing Michael's weak voice made Adam run the car quickly.


"Gabby! Why haven't you eaten your lunch at all?" Her mother asked irritably, "Don't you want to eat Mom's food anymore?"

'Oh shoot! I forgot to give it to Mr. Rahmat.' Gabby thought to herself.

Initially, Gabby planned to give her lunch to the school's security guard, Mr. Rahmat. But she was so tired and wanted to go home immediately so she forgot to give her lunch to him.

"It's not like that, Mom. I bought lunch with my classmate earlier." Gabby replied, hoping that her mother didn't know that her daughter was lying.

Hearing that her child already had friends on the first day of school made her mother's anger disappear instantly, "Oh? So you already have friends there?"

"Yes ma'am. Michael bought me lunch." Gabby grinned as she stroked her nape.

Her mother smiled broadly, grabbed Gabby's shoulder and replied, "Great! Everything went according to plan!" Gabby's mom let go of her grip, and put a strand of hair behind her daughter's ear, "Be good with Michael. Mother supports you."

Gabby frowned, 'So this is your plan?'

When Gabby wanted to ask what kind of plan her mother had designed, the woman had walked away carrying her laptop into the living room.


Adam knocked softly on the door to Michael's music room, "Young master, it's time for dinner."

Normally, Adam needed to knock on Michael's door more than three times or even get into his room before Michael stopped playing the piano and followed him out.

But now, Adam only needed to knock once and then the piano stopped. He then heard the sound of footsteps approaching the door. When the door was opened, Adam was greeted by Michael's limp face. His young master then trotted down the stairs and into the dining room.

Arriving at the dining room, without further ado or saying a prayer, Michael immediately took the spoon and ate heartily. It made Adam a little worried, because usually Michael skipped dinner and sometimes didn't finish his meal.

A feeling of pride arose in Adam's heart. He thought, 'Ah, my cooking skills are improved now.'

When he finished eating, Michael put down his spoon and wiped his mouth, "What a delicious meal you made, Adam. But I have one wish." He said.

"What is that, young master?" Adam asked curiously, his mind began to be filled with the possibility of strange requests from Michael. Like, telling him to adopt a dragon and raise it or cook scorpion soup.

Michael rose from his chair and said, "Starting tomorrow, you don't have to bring me lunch. I just bought it in the school canteen."

"Oh... Yes, young master." Adam nodded his head, and saw Michael walk out of the dining room.