Husband and wife?!

"Michael, do you want to be auntie's son-in-law?" Agnes looked at Michael seriously, the aura she gave off was very intimidating to the boy.

Michael's mind immediately went blank, he didn't know what to answer. On the other hand, he did not want to disappoint Gabby's mother but on the other hand, he did not want to feel awkward with Gabby.

Gabby saw that her male friend looked intimidated, she tried to help answer Michael's question, "Mom, let him think—"

Not yet she finished replying to her mother, Michael immediately interrupted her while nodding his head with a flushed face, "Yes, auntie, I want her."

"Very nice!" Gabby's mother replied excitedly. She then quickly implanted in their minds, "That means from now on, you," While pointing at Gabby with her index finger, "...must call Michael as husband. And you Michael, have to call Gabby your wife."

"Wife?" Michael asked in disbelief.

"Mother, that's too much!" Gabby refused while unknowingly pounding the dining table, which caused an unused fork to fall on the floor.

"Gabby!" Her mother snapped. Gabby's father, who had been silent because he lost his voice with his wife, raised his hand which gestured the two women to shut up and ended their argument.

Michael was 100 percent sure that after this they would soon be expelled from this restaurant and would not be allowed to eat in this restaurant anymore.

Without prompting, Gabby immediately picked up the fork that fell beside her seat and continued eating in silence, not daring to look up.

"… Okay" Her mother said, "Then, you don't need to call husband and wife right away. But I haven't changed my mind to make Michael your husband."

Michael nodded his head to indicate that he understood what Gabby's mother said. He turned his head and found that Gabby's eyes had been on him, so he smiled at her and got a small smile from Gabby in return.

"Wife." Michael murmured, as soon as he heard the word come out of his mouth, Michael immediately bit his lower lip. In his heart, he hoped no one had heard his murmuring earlier.

"Yes! Like that!" Gabby's mother said, laughing happily, "I already know I can count on you Michael."

In the corner of her eye she could see Gabby's mouth was wide open and her face was bright red. Gabby immediately took the tissue that was in her bag and wiped the sweat that started pouring from her forehead.

"Michael, if you already have a wife like you do now, then you shouldn't mess with other women. Understand?" Gabby's mother continued after successfully stopping her laughter.

"I understand, auntie." Michael nodded his head gravely.


One week later.

After what happened at the restaurant a week ago, Michael and Gabby rarely saw each other. It's not that they avoided each other, it's just that Michael was busy practicing playing the piano, because he had to prepare for the upcoming test.

As Michael walked out the building where he was taking the piano test, he saw a female figure running towards him. He tried to narrow his eyes and as the figure got closer Michael could recognize her.

It turned out that the figure who was running towards him was Gabby!

She wore a white long-sleeved shirt tucked into her light blue jeans. Her long hair was neatly tied.

"Husband! Wait for me!" Shouted Gabby from a distance.


Adam looked at Michael and looked back at Gabby, who was running from a distance.

After hearing this, Adam's jaw dropped while he was opening the car's door for Michael. He looked at Michael with a startled expression, "Young master, why is Miss Gabby calling you husband?"

"Her mother ordered her." Michael whispered out loud.

"And the young master approved it?" Adam asked in disbelief, he was sure after this he would have a heart attack.

"Well, I can't refuse it." Michael nodded his head then walked towards Gabby with a sweet smile.

Adam saw Michael's back and occasionally wiped his eyes, he didn't know whether to feel happy or not.

"Husband," Gabby sneered, "How was the test? Did it work?"

"It worked." Michael replied, showing off his certificate.

"Wow, my husband is really great." Gabby said as she raised her eyebrows which drew laughter from Michael.

"Come on, I'll take you home." Michael invited her while tugging Gabby's wrist.

Since Gabby managed to beat Richard in the backyard of the school, she made many new friends at school. Every day she was excited to go to school because she knew that her friends there, besides Michael, were waiting for her.

Michael, however, remained silent during school and only talked to Gabby. This obviously made Elizabeth jealous.

After getting out of the toilet, Gabby walked toward the class while humming the song she heard on the radio this morning when she left for school with Michael. Her steps stopped when she heard the sound of sobs in the backyard of the school.

Hearing the voice made Gabby hesitate to find out who was crying, 'Is it a classmate or maybe a ghost?' She tirelessly wondered. Throwing her thoughts away she finally followed to where the sobs were heard, and luckily when she reached the backyard of the school it was a human who cried.

There were two women that Gabby didn't recognize. Both of them were sitting on the long wooden chairs where Michael and Gabby usually exchanged lunches. As soon as Gabby approached them, a girl was crying. She wiped her eyes with a tissue, and next to her was another woman who was trying to calm her down.

"Never mind, don't cry anymore."

"My money is missing Deb! How can I not cry."

"You can ask your parents again."

"Again?! Not all parents have as much money as your parents Deborah!"

The girl beside her was silent for a moment then continued stroking her back and wiping her friend's tears.

"What is this?" Gabby asked as she walked closer to them.

The two girls turned their heads, looked at Gabby, then looked at each other.

"Who are you?"

"I've never seen you before." Said the woman who was crying earlier.

Gabby ignored their question, walked over and looked at the girl's red eyes curiously, "Why are you crying?"

The girl looked at Gabby timidly and then wiped her tears that couldn't stop, "My school fees were forcibly taken."

"Who dared to take it?! I will finish them off!" Gabby frowned. She had always hated these types of bullying the most, that's why she asked her so she could finish the person who took her money.

"There are many of them. I don't know what grade they are." The girl replied, shaking her head.

Her friend who had been silent finally opened her mouth, "Looks like they are the Black Snake gang. They always take money from us, they say, for the school security patrols."

Gabby frowned when she realized that she was talking to stupid people, why would there be security patrols in this school? Wasn't that Mr. Rahmat's job?'

"Yes, every time they take our money their excuse is always the same." Said the crying girl.

'Black Snake? Money for security patrols?' Gabby felt her hands clenched tightly unconsciously, and her face flushed with emotion, "Where are they?! I will finish them off!"

The two girls were terrified when they saw Gabby's fist and then shook their heads together, "I don't know."

"The Black Snake Gang is very mysterious. We don't know what class or what grade they are."

"Yes," the woman nodded her head, "Every time they take our money they always wear a mask with black snake scales on it. So we can't see their faces clearly."

"You losers, they should pray that I don't find them. If I manage to find them, I will beat their faces so badly they are going to miss all of their teeth!" Gabby threatened.

"I'll go first. Take care of yourself." Gabby said in a cold voice then turned around and walked away from the girls.

One of them finally spoke when she saw Gabby's back slowly disappear on them, "She's kidding, right?"

"I know right! How can a girl with such a small body defeat the Black Snake gang?"


Gabby walked towards the classroom while still clenching her fists tightly, the flames inside her heart couldn't vanish. She walked over to her chair and sat down facing Michael with a furious gaze.

"What is wrong with you?" Michael asked after seeing Gabby's fist.

Gabby confirmed her seat and replied with an emotional tone, "They say there's a Black Snake gang in this school! They are extorting students here!"

Michael paused, trying to remember where he had heard the name of the gang. He let go of Gabby's fist gently, "So what are you up to now?"


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"Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO" :

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"Trial Marriage Husband : Beautiful Wife For Satisfy The Wild CEO" :