Have dinner together

"Mom, Caca is sleepy. Let's go home now." The girl begged after wiping her tears.

The woman nodded her head then took Caca's little hand and walked to the exit. The girl turned her head for a moment and then saw Michael and Gabby standing on the stage for a group photo.


Gabby's stomach had been rattling for quite some time. Don't blame her, the festival started at five in the evening and now it was already nine. The girl was too nervous that she didn't have time to eat the cakes provided backstage.

After hearing the protests from her daughter, Daniel decided to take his family out for dinner. His eyes widened in shock when he heard his wife invite Michael.

"Michael, let's eat together outside!" Agnes invited Michael with enthusiasm.

Daniel, who was reserving a seat in the restaurant, immediately stopped talking for a moment. He continued his call again when Agnes gave him a threatening look.

After everything was over, Agnes asked Michael to join her family's car. That left Daniel in the driver's seat, Agnes next to him, and of course Gabby and Michael in the back.

Even though her stomach was empty and she didn't stop ranting about it, Gebby couldn't stand still and did things to distract her from her hunger. Sometimes she knocked on the car window with her nails, and sometimes bit Michael's ear which made Daniel tell her to stop.

Daniel saw Michael's face from the rearview mirror of the car. The boy had been smiling broadly. Michael listened to Gabby's story patiently without a word, giving the girl the opportunity to pour out all her remaining energy.

Arriving at the restaurant, Gabby and Michael walk side by side. The man's hand moved slightly as if he wanted to hold Gabby's. But after seeing Gabby's father's cold gaze he immediately dropped the idea.

"You need to try this." Gabby said, showing the egg tart in the menu book.

Michael saw what Gabby was pointing to and then chose another menu, "I want to try this."

As the waitress who was serving them waited, she thought to herself, 'How could this boy look cuter than the cakes in this restaurant?'

"Michael, you don't eat anything sweet. It's not good for your health." Agnes's face looked worried.

Michael paused for a moment then answered slowly, "I've never eaten this auntie, so I want to try it."

Agnes suddenly remembered that Michael hardly ever ate out. She then nodded her head quickly, "Okay, order a lot of food. Next time you want to eat out, just tell me, okay?"

"Definitely." Michael nodded his head.

Seeing the smile on his wife's face made Daniel furious, 'Who do you think is your child? Gabby or Michael?' The man grumbled to himself.

When all the food arrived, Gabby quickly took her plate and took the egg tart. Agnes quickly hit her daughter's hand, "Don't eat anything sweet! You will hurt your teeth."

Gabby pursed her mouth and paused for a moment. Daniel felt sorry for her daughter. He took the egg tart and put it on Gabby's plate, "She's a big girl." Daniel looked at his wife and then shifted her to Gabby's face, "After all, Gabby can brush her teeth."

Hearing that made Agnes glare at her husband, but remembering that Michael was at the same table made her hold back her emotions. Agnes then took a bowl and filled it with vegetables, "Eat this." Then put it in front of Gabby.

Since Gabby was little, her mother always used to take care of her food and told her to eat lots of vegetables. Once her mother wasn't looking, she would put the vegetables under her tablespoon.

Gabby glanced next to her and saw Michael chopping his steak. When she wanted to take the man's steak, she saw her mother was watching her from earlier. The girl then just sighed while taking a spoon and started eating. Not long after that, she saw a spoon pointing at her from the corner of her eye.

When Gabby wanted to turn around, she saw some slices of steak on her plate. She quickly turned to Michael. The boy was lowering his head and eating quietly. Michael's way of eating was elegant and neat.

Michael ignored Gabby's gaze and continued eating. The man acted as if he wasn't the one who gave Gabby the steak.

The girl then decided to kick Michael hard in the leg to get his attention. The man grimaced in pain and then grabbed his leg.

"What?" Michael whispered.

"Thanks for the steak." Gabby replied, smiling broadly.

Actually, Agnes saw Michael give Gabby his steak, but she preferred to keep quiet.

Gabby was touched when she saw Michael return to give his steak in his bowl of soup. She glanced at her mother then chewed the meat slowly.

Now the two teenagers looked like they were doing an illegal transaction. When Michael took the egg tart in front of him, he immediately took two. He put one in his mouth and carefully fed the other to Gabby's plate.

Daniel and Agnes often saw the boy's behavior. But when they saw Gabby's happy face, they chose to remain silent. Actually, Daniel wanted to make a voice and erase the smile on Michael's face. But when he felt his wife touch his hand, he went back to eating his food in silence.

When Agnes was talking with Michael, the boy's cell phone suddenly vibrated.

"Ah, just a moment. I have to pick up this phone first." Michael stood up and walked away from the table.

"Is the meat delicious?" Agnes quipped after seeing Michael move away from their table.

Gabby's eyes widened in shock and turned her gaze around the restaurant, "It's good, mom, I can't even eat."

Agnes grinned when she heard her daughter's answer, "Oh yeah?" She asked as she put her hand to support her chin.

Not having time to answer her mother, Gabby saw from the corner of her eye that Michael was walking toward their table. The man sat beside her and wiped his mouth with a handkerchief.

"I'll go home first. Adam has arrived in the front." Gabby noticed Michael's face that looked grim, "My parents are back, I have to hurry home."

Agnes put down her spoon, "Your parents are back?" She wiped her mouth and got ready to stand up, "Michael, do we need to accompany you?"

Since she had considered Michael as her future son-in-law, she thought at least this would be a good opportunity for Agnes and Daniel to meet his family. Daniel tried not to put on an annoying face when he heard his wife's suggestion. But then he felt relieved when he heard Michael's answer.

"No need, auntie. You guys eat slowly. Looks like this is important so I have to come back soon." Michael looked at Gabby then smiled faintly when he saw the girl's worried face.

"Okay, be careful." Agnes exhaled a deep breath.

"Of course." Michael replied then hurried out of the way without looking back.


After leaving the car park, Adam looked into the rearview mirror. Michael was closing his eyes and leaning his back. His young master's face looked frightened. Adam looked back and wasted his breath.

The restaurant that Gabby's father chose was outside Bandung. That took the trip to Michael's house an hour and a half. Around eleven o'clock the car driven by Adam entered the house's gate.

Adam hurried downstairs and opened the car door, "We have arrived, young master."

Michael opened his eyes, looked at the house and got out of the car. As his feet stepped to the front entrance of his house he heard a scream from inside.

"I told you! She is only my student!" His father's deep voice made Michael stop in his tracks.

"Student?" His mother laughed loudly, "What nonsense is that? You think I'm stupid?!"

"Brenda! Watch your mouth!" His father sounded a bit outrageous.

"Is it so hard to be honest when you've been cheating on me aren't you, Mark?" His mother softly replied.

Adam, who had been standing behind Michael, looked at the man's back with pity. He stood next to him then asked carefully, "Young master, should we wait here a moment?"

Michael paused for a moment then turned his head, "No need." He averted his gaze then gently pushed the door open.

"Ah, alright." Adam replied.

In the large living room, a man in a black suit was standing by the sofa. The man looked tall, his face was arrogant and cold.

Michael looked away and saw at the end of the sofa was a woman in a black dress with her long hair left loose. In contrast to his father, the woman's face looked beautiful and warm.

The atmosphere in the living room was tense and cold. Michael stood awkwardly near the door. Adam was outside, choosing not to interfere on their privacy.

Hearing the sound of the door opening made Brenda turn her head. Her delicate eyebrows and eyes did not look surprised when she saw her child. She smiled a little then asked quietly, "Michael, where did you come from?"