Dare to get dirty is good

"Mother…" Gabby greeted her mother with a faint smile.

Agnes knew her daughter's tactics by heart, so she would not pity her. She studied Gabby's face and hands that were covered in mud. Her hair was also slightly wet and muddy.

"Gabby! What are you doing?" Agnes could feel her face turning red.

Gabby bit her lower lip and looked away from her mother. When she wanted to open her mouth to answer her mother, Michael stood in front of her. The man lowered his head and apologized.

"Auntie, I'm sorry. We were playing basketball for a while and I asked Gabby to play mud." Michael looked up, "I know this is childish but I really want to play mud."

Agnes blinked a few times then smiled faintly. How could she blame her future son-in-law? She shook her head.

"It is okay! Auntie is proud if you are not afraid of being dirty." She exclaimed.

Gabby's mouth dropped open at her mother's answer. Who was her child? Her or Michael? It was as if her mother had turned like a cat when she talked to Michael.

Agnes tilted her head and caught Gabby's eye, "Let's go home, you have school tomorrow."

Gabby nodded her head quickly, "Ah, yes, of course mom."

As Gabby walked away, she felt someone grab her wrist. The girl then turned and saw Michael's worried face. The boy handed her his drinking bottle.

"Here," Gabby took the bottle, then Michael continued, "I'll pick you up tomorrow morning, okay?"

Before Gabby had time to reply, she could hear her mother's happy laughter. Gabby turned and saw that her mother was shaking her head with a smile.

"Teens in love are different." Agnes teased.

Michael bit his lower lip and then looked away. The boy rubbed his nape then said goodbye to go home, "I'll go home first." He lowered his head, then looked at Gabby, "See you tomorrow."

"See you!" Agnes replied.

When Michael was away from them, Agnes raised an eyebrow, "Dress up neatly tomorrow."

"What the heck." Gabby went ahead of her mother. She could hear her mother's laughter from behind her.


Gabby's eyes widened in shock when she saw that her math teacher was different. Her new teacher looked friendly with a warm smile on her face. The teacher was standing in front of the class.

"Good morning all. I am your new math teacher. My name is Grace."

"Ma'am, what about Mrs. Tita?" Richard raised his hand.

"Oh for that," The teacher looked around the class, "Mrs. Tita resigned. I don't know the reason."

After hearing the teacher's answer, the class immediately fell into chaos. Some clapped their hands, some pounded the table, and some even danced happily.

"The mad teacher is gone!" Gabby shouted excitedly.

"Hahaha, we are really lucky!" Replied her classmate.

Seeing her students happy made Grace think, 'What has the previous teacher done? Looks like they really hate Mrs. Tita.'

"She's no longer there!" Gabby turned to Michael, her face looking happy.

Seeing Gabby's face that looked bright like the sun made Michael happy too. The boy nodded his head, "Yes, I'm happy too."

Soon, there were claps from the front of the class. Michael looked away and folded his hands on the table.

"Alright, let's start today's lesson." Mrs. Grace walked over to the board.

Mrs. Grace kept calling them to the front to do the problems on the board. But in contrast to Mrs. Tita, she never scolded them. If there were students who couldn't do the questions, Mrs. Grace would teach them patiently.

After class, Mrs. Grace told them that there would be a math test tomorrow. Almost all the students protested against the teacher, unlike Michael who nodded his head.

"If you get a score above 80, I will give you chocolate!" The teacher said.

"Huh? Really ma'am?" Gabby asked.

"Yes, just take this as your passion." Mrs. Grace replied as she stepped out of the classroom.

Gabby turned to where Michael was sitting, "Look, I'll be getting some chocolate tomorrow."

Michael raised his eyebrows, "Wanna bet?"

"Not! But just watch, tomorrow I'll definitely get chocolate!" Gabby shook her head.

Michael chuckled and then ruffled Gabby's hair, "Okay, let's study hard."

"Of course." Gabby dodged Michael's hand, "Don't mess my hair!"

After Michael's car stopped in front of Gabby's house, the girl hurried downstairs. Before closing the door, she turned her head and waved her hands briefly.

"I'll go in first, thanks." Gabby said simply. The girl then left Michael alone.

"Ah ..." Michael opened his mouth, saw Gabby run into the fence of her house.


"I am full." Gabby put her cutlery on her plate.

The girl looked down as she picked Nara and hurried out of the dining table. When her feet just reached the third step, Gabby heard her name called.

"Gabby, where are you going?" Asked her mother, her face flushed red in preparation to scold her daughter.

"I want to study, there is a test tomorrow." Gabby turned.

Daniel's eyes widened in shock. Could his daughter learn? He then pinched his hand hard and grimaced in pain. Daniel laughed happily when he found out that he was not dreaming.

"Okay! Later daddy will bring fruits to your room!" Her father shouted excitedly.

"Okay." Gabby's reply was brief, she then left her parents.

Agnes narrowed her eyes, "Don't be too happy, your child may only study for three minutes and then fall asleep."

"Impossible! I trust my daughter." Daniel replied.


Gabby locked the door to her room to prevent Nara from leaving her. The girl walked over to her desk and took out a math book. Then, she told Nara to sit at her table.

Nara didn't listen to Gabby's orders and walked to the door. It barked softly when Gabby wouldn't open the door. She patted the floor next to her, "Nara! Do you still want to eat or not?"

As if she understood what Gabby meant, Nara walked and sat next to the girl. Satisfied, Gabby stroked Nara's head and uttered compliments.

"Now please listen to me!" Gabby opened her math book, "The properties of the logarithm are, a log b per c equals ..."


When he finished cleaning the warehouse, Adam descended from the third floor and passed the music room. As usual, there was a piano sound from inside. Only this time the sound made by the piano sounded choppy.

'Is young master thinking of something?' The servant wondered.

In the music room, Michael's eyes had been looking at the clock on the wall. The watch on his wrist showed it was half past seven. And there's no sign of Gabby yet. Usually the girl would arrive at seven o'clock.

Michael frowned, placing his hand back on the piano keys. Several notes sounded wrong in his ears, the sound that was issued was also confusing. Even the rhythm sounded strange to Michael's ears.

It was as if Michael couldn't play the piano right now. Even though the boy tried to be more serious, he still couldn't focus. Michael's eyes returned to the clock on the wall.

Michael looked at the watch for a few seconds then hurried to his feet. The man closed the piano and walked out of the room. As Michael opened the door he was greeted by Adam's curious face.

Adam, who had been standing by the door, immediately took a step back. He corrected his disheveled hair and smiled pleasantly when he saw Michael.

"Young master." Adam bowed, "Where are you going?"

"Gabby's house." Michael replied briefly.

Adam's eyebrows rose when he heard Michael's reply. The man ignored Adam and hurried down the stairs. Adam followed the boy's shadow until it disappeared.

'Did they fight again? Is this why the young master can't focus on playing the piano?' Several unanswered questions came to Adam's mind. The man exhaled before he closed the door to the music room.

When Michael reached the gates of Gabby's house, he suddenly felt unsure. The man lowered his head and walked away from the area of ​​Gabby's house. But only two steps Michael stopped walking.

Michael glanced over to the railing of Gabby's house and slapped his cheeks lightly, "Man up! A guy has to be brave."

Finally, after several times slapping both cheeks, Michael returned to his feet in front of the fence of Gabby's house. The man took a deep breath before pressing the doorbell.

"Good, you already did. Now just go inside." Michael advised himself.

Not long after that, Mrs. Agnes walked over him from the house. The woman was a little surprised when she saw Michael. She walked over and opened the fence, "Michael?"

"Good evening auntie." Michael smiled faintly.

"Yeah, evening," Agnes smiled back at the boy, "Why are you here at this hour?"

Michael bit his lower lip, "Is... Gabby in there?"

"Oh yes, of course, she's been in her room studying." Agnes nodded her head then opened the fence wider, "Hurry in, auntie will make tea."