Fierce battle with mosquitoes

"Here's the drink. Don't blame me if you don't like it." Gabby placed coke and beans on the table by the sofa.

"So you are telling me to lie?" Michael asked while taking a drink in front of him, "Thank you."

Gabby rolled her eyes and sat down next to Michael, "It's okay to lie a little bit."

In an instant, Gabby finished four packets of beans. She licked her hand and looked at Michael, "Why don't you eat?"

Michael shook his head, "I'm full just from watching you eat."

"Sigh," Gabby stroked her stomach, "I have to stop eating, tonight's dinner is seafood."


Since his wife told him that Gabby would stay there, Daniel had been fishing diligently. The man felt a little relieved when he found out that Agnes was not coming. It's just that he wanted to spoil Gabby without hearing his wife's nagging.

Daniel had prepared grilled fish, crab, fried flour squid, and mussels in Padang sauce for dinner. For seafood matters, Daniel was really good at processing and cooking it.

Tonight's dinner was purposely held outside the room, because Gabby insisted on eating while enjoying the cool night breeze. Having seafood dinner while listening to the gurgling water in the pond made them eat calmly.

It didn't take long to finish the whole meal. Daniel smiled when he saw Gabby eating heartily. However, his gaze turned cold when he saw Michael.

"Hey Gabby, don't overeat. Your stomach will hurt later!" Daniel reminded subtly. Of course Daniel was happy to see his daughter eat a lot, it's just that Agnes had set a rule for Gabby to eat no more than two plates.

"Huh? Alright." Gabby licked her hand, "I'm full anyway." Suddenly, she saw Michael get her a tissue. The girl then took it and smiled broadly.

"My husband is very understanding." Gabby wiped her mouth, "Thanks."


Daniel grunted exasperatedly and called his two assistants. He told them to set up two rooms for Gabby and Michael to sleep separately. Daniel might have a heart attack when he saw them sleeping together again.

Before entering her room, Gabby waved her hand at Michael, "Don't miss it!" Then slammed the door to her room.

Michael saw the door to Gabby's room closed then opened his own door. The room he occupied was large and clean. It's just that the room only contained a bed and a small table.

Since there was no wardrobe, Michael left his clothes in his carry-on bag. He changed into his pajamas, opened the blanket on his bed and covered himself with the blanket.

The night air was cold for summer. Michael was a little sorry for not bringing socks. He sighed and then closed his eyes, trying to sleep.


In the middle of the night, Gabby felt herself about to fall off the bed. She frowned then adjusted her sleeping position. Alas, when she'd just find a comfortable position to sleep, the mosquitoes started buzzing around her ear.

Gabby brushed her hair, trying to keep the mosquito away from her ear. It didn't take long before she felt her legs itched. The girl kept scratching her leg but the itching didn't go away.

She couldn't sleep anymore, so she stood up and turned on the light in the room. She saw that her feet were covered with mosquito bites. Even though her father had put in mosquito repellent, somehow the mosquitoes were still alive.

"You crazy mosquito! I'm sleepy!" Gabby stroked her leg, hoping the itching would go away.

Suddenly, she could hear mosquitos buzzing around her ear again. Gabby brushed back the hair near her ear. The girl could see several mosquitoes flying near her hair.

Gabby walked over and opened her bag, she took out mosquito repellent lotion. She scolded herself a little for forgetting to put it on before bed. Gabby rubbed the lotion all over her body and closed the bottle.

Even so, when Gabby tried to get back to sleep, she heard another buzzing mosquito. She tossed her hair in annoyance then covered herself with a blanket. When Gabby was about to enter the world of dreams, she suddenly thought of Michael.

"Oh shoot!" Gabby took off her blanket and sat up quickly, "I forgot to give Michael mosquito repellent lotion!"

Gabby got up from the bed and walked out of the room carrying mosquito repellent. She straightened her hair, checked her breath on her palm then knocked on Michael's door.

"Hey Michael," Gabby knocked on Michael's door, "Get up, I forgot to give you lotion..."

Not finished talking, Michael's door opened slowly.

"Michael, I'm sorry." Gabby stepped into the boy's room, "You must have been bitten by a mosquito, right?"

Michael rubbed his right eye, "Hmm, yeah."

"Let me see." Without a word, Gabby turned on the light on Michael's room.

The sudden bright made Michael narrow his eyes. Gabby took Michael's hand and turned his body. The girl's eyes widened in shock when she saw mosquito bites on Michael's skin.

"How come you got more mosquito bites than me?" Gabby brushed one of the mosquito bites on Michael's arm, "I think they like to bite you."

Gabby stroked Michael's hand and saw three mosquito bites, "Is that itchy?"

"No." Michael closed his eyes, trying to hold back the itching. The boy had sensitive skin. When he was bitten by a mosquito, the traces would disappear within four to five days.

"Liar! You have lots of bumps on your skin!" Gabby frowned, "Do you want me to apply mosquito repellent lotion on your body?"

"You look sleepy, so there's no need." Michael shook his head.

"Don't mind me." Gabby took Michael's hand and told him to sit on the bed.

Gabby opened a bottle of mosquito repellent and rubbed it on Michael's hand. The boy followed Gabby's hand movements and then saw her face. Gabby's hair looked disheveled. There was dirt in her left eye, but her face looked fresh. The girl pursed her lips and blew the mosquito bite marks on Michael's hand.

"Still itching?" Gabby asked then blew Michael's hand again.

"It's not." Michael replied.

"Lies, I'll grease some more." Gabby opened the lotion bottle.


After finishing one bottle, Michael could feel his body wet from the lotion. Although the lotion did not relieve the itching, the boy felt better.

Gabby inhaled the smell of the lotion and then scratched her hair, "I still have one more bottle. Let's grease our bodies with this again, so that no mosquito dares to bite us."

Michael frowned, thinking that Gabby was talking nonsense. But the boy nodded his head with a smile, agreeing to Gabby's idea.

After Gabby finished closing the bottle, the girl stood up, "When your hands and feet are dry, you can sleep again."

Michael grabbed Gabby's wrist, "Don't go."

"What's wrong? Thought you said you're sleepy." Gabby saw Michael's face.

Michael bit his lower lip. "Ummm," The man let go of Gabby's wrist. "Can you stay with me for a while?"

"Hahaha" Gabby sat next to Michael, "Did you miss me?"

"No, don't be too confident." Michael moved his hand, trying to dry his hands.

"Okay because I'm kind I will accompany you." Gabby nudged Michael's arm.

After that, no one spoke anymore. Michael's room was filled with singing crickets outside the window. Listening to this made Gabby feel sleepy, then yawned and rubbed her eyes.

If Gabby had fallen asleep right now, her head would fall on Michael's shoulders. Given their very close position. It didn't take long before Gabby couldn't fight the drowsiness.

Like deja vu, Michael could feel his shoulders feel heavy. The man turned and saw Gabby sleeping on his shoulder. The girl's face looked tired and the red bumps stood out on Gabby's skin.

In a room infested with mosquitoes, Gabby can fall asleep on Michael's shoulder. The man could feel Gabby's head getting lower and lower. Michael grabbed Gabby's head and confirmed the girl's sleeping position.

When Michael could feel the lotion on his body dry, the man slowly stood up. He lifted Gabby's body and tucked her into bed. After that, he stood up again and turned off the light in the room.

Since the bed was only enough for one person, Michael pushed Gabby a little. He slowly covered himself with the blanket that Gabby was gripping.

Feeling that someone else was sleeping next to her made Gabby lean in closer. Michael put his hand under Gabby's head and slept facing her.


The next day when Daniel wanted to wake Gabby, he couldn't find his daughter in her room. The man then quickly stepped into Michael's room. Daniel threw open the door and felt his head go dizzy.

Daniel saw his daughter sleeping with Michael again. Their sleeping position was very close, like from head to toe, all touching. The man massaged his head then knocked hard on the door.

"Wake up!"