Change your clothes

"Dear!" Gabby covered Michael's face with her hands, "How about this?! I don't want to disappoint my parents! What if they hear about the rumors?"

"W-what?" Michael asked, his face looked confused.

The female cashier and several customers then immediately looked away. They frowned and whispered to each other. There was even a man, like Stefan, taking out his cellphone. The man was ready to record their incident.

"Sorry," The woman handed her a drink in front of Gabby and Michael, "I'll go back first, there is a lot of laundry."

After the woman left, Gabby put her left hand on the table. The girl laughed as she beat Michael's thigh.

"Don't make rumors like that again, what if our schoolmate hears it?" Michael asked while holding Gabby's hand that was on his thigh.

"What if they hear?" Gabby took her hand away from Michael's thigh and took her bob.

"Why do you let go?" Michael whispered as he joined in taking his drink.