I fought the feeling of sleepiness

"Thanks," Gabby whispered with a smile.

After breakfast, Daniel immediately took Gabby home. Michael led the two to the front of the fence then waved his hand as Gabby smiled back at him. Even though Gabby and her father had gone out of his sight, Michael still stood by the fence of his house.

"Young master..." Adam called.

From behind, Adam could see Michael standing with his hands in his trousers pockets. It was still early morning, but the wind was already blowing hard. 

"Young Master, it's very cold outside. I suggest you come in and have some hot tea," Adam said.

Michael, as if not hearing Adam, stood still. Adam closed the door of the house and accompanied the boy to stand outside. 


"Your mother is still sleeping upstairs," Daniel opened the door of the house. "Before I went to Michael's house, your mother was still sleeping with her back to me,"