Let her choose her own path in life

After a while and hearing Gabby's 'I'm fine', Momo stopped crying. The girl wiped her tears and pursed her lips.

"Momo," Gabby tried to change the subject. "Why are you here? Isn't school not on holiday? What if you missed the lessons?"

"Gabby..." Momo's eyes filled with tears again. "I saw you on TV, how could I not visit you? Look at all the bruises and wounds in your body..."

"Well, actually, our purpose for coming here was to make sure you were still alive," Stefan laughed loudly, but when he saw Momo glare at him, the boy continued, "We're friends! I'm still going to see you, Gabby! I don't care if I have to climb mountains or cross oceans or pass through flames,"

Hearing that made Gabby chuckle. Before she had time to answer Stefan, she heard the door to her room opened. The girl looked away and saw 2 figures entering her room.

"Coach Hendrik? Aunty?"