Your dinner is here

Though Daniel and Agnes had finished their breakfast (again), they still didn't return to Gabby's room. The man was still ashamed of the incident earlier. His wife kept scolding him when he was eating his second breakfast.

Unlike Daniel, Agnes felt relieved that Michael gave Gabby more attention. Again, she couldn't stop praising herself for having arranged her daughter to Michael.

Within days, Gabby continued to lie on the bed, just as the doctor had suggested. She could not do everything by herself, she even had to be panned by Michael when she ate her meals. Actually, she could just eat by herself. It's just that as long as someone wanted to help her, then why not?

When Gabby wanted to take a shower or do her business in the bathroom, Michael or her parents would always help her walk there. They always waited outside the door, gave Gabby time to shower, then helped her back into bed.