Became famous for hair

Agnes stroked Gabby's fine hair then nodded her head. She lowered her hand, turned and looked at Michael. "Geez, I'm sorry if Gabby is bothering you. I should have been the one to take her to the salon, not you,"

"Ah, it's okay, auntie. I've been wanting to take Gabby to the salon for a long time," Michael replied as he touched his nape.

"How much did you spend today? I'll return your money," Agnes said.

"No need, auntie," Michael glanced at Gabby briefly. "It's my duty."

Hearing the word 'duty' from Michael's mouth made Agnes smile widely. The woman folded her arms in front of her chest while nodding her head. She turned around and saw her husband's flushed face.

"Why should you be angry? Don't overdo it. I'm sure other students also go through this kind of problem. If you don't want Gabby to be in trouble like this, then it's better if she doesn't have to go to school and just sleep at home," Agnes said.