Blood donation for Momo

Hearing that made Gabby not feel relieved in the least. Instead, she felt even more guilty and her heart felt heavy. The girl lowered her head, her body trembled and tears continued to stream down her cheeks.

"But I promise, I will not forgive anyone who has the heart to push my child down the stairs!" The woman exclaimed, her eyes were burning.

After Momo's mother said that, the light above the operating room turned off. Not long after, a woman wearing green clothes came out of the room. She carried a paper board and a pen in her hand.

"Are there any family members here?" The woman's eyes looked at the paper board. "Anyone related to Momo? Please come here quickly and sign this!"

"I-I, I'm her family!" Momo's mother replied quickly.

"Momo has a severe bleeding. She is currently lacking a lot of blood. And we apologize that the blood bank in this hospital does not have the stock for AB blood," the nurse then looked around, "Who has AB blood here?"