You clingy boy!

Gabby planned to grab the clothes Michael was holding and hurry away. However, the man tightened his grip on the shirt and stood right in front of Gabby instead.

"Ouch, what the heck?" Gabby asked coldly, her face looking flat.

"Forgive me," Michael replied, he lowered his face.

Not far from where Gabby and Michael were standing, Momo could sense something was wrong between the two. When she wanted to go up to them, she felt Stefan holding her wrist.

"It's better if we don't interfere with their problems," Stefan whispered.

"But..." Momo turned and showed a face that looked confused, "... I want to help Gabby,"

"Don't bother. She's a big girl," Stefan grabbed Momo's hand, inviting her to walk away. "Michael can definitely solve his problem with Gabby by himself,"

Gabby didn't think Michael would apologize in person. He hadn't even prepared what kind of answer he would come up with.