I don't have a cellphone.

"What do you usually do on vacation?" Bella, the girl with glasses asked.

"Hmm," Gabby paused for a moment. "I usually went to my dad's fishing place, and sometimes visited Michael's house."

"Fishing place? Wow, is there still a fishing place here?" Sandra asked curiously.

"Hmm-hmm," Gabby nodded her head. "But not in the city. At first, it belonged to my grandmother's mother, but now my dad manages it,"

"Ah, I'm really jealous. Summer vacation must be really nice there. You can fish as much as you want, eat your catches, and continue to enjoy the warm breeze. Ahhh..." Bella said as she put her head on Gabby's shoulder.

"Yes, holidays are fun there," Gabby looked at their faces one by one with a big smile. "If you want, you can go to my father's fishing place on holidays. You can also sleep in the guest room, so you don't have to spend money on hotels!"

"Really?!" Bella and Sandra replied simultaneously. "Gabby, ahh, you're really nice!"