
"What?" Gabby looked away. "What did you say?"

"I asked you about Michael's number. You must have it," the girl with light brown hair replied.

"No," Gabby's reply was brief.

"What? Why?" All the girls there answered in unison.

"He's mine," Gabby lowered her head and rubbed the sunscreen on her palm. "You can't have Michael's number,"

"Tsk, really possessive."

"She just wants his number and not trying to be his girlfriend. Ah, you are too much."

"Never mind," Sandra tried to intervene. "It's up to Gabby whether she wants to give Michael's number or not,"

"Huh!" The brown haired girl waved her hair. "Well then, I don't want your boy's number! Just keep your big baby for yourself!"

Since Gabby was in a good mood today, she ignored their words. She just raised her face while narrowing her eyes.