Your hallucinations are getting worse!

"I-I just want to make sure, coach, hahaha ..." Gabby replied enthusiastically.

Gabby's face was sparkling, not only were her lips smiling, even her eyes were smiling too. 

"Well, I hope you will not regret joining us," Coach Jack nodded his head, "Actually two days ago there was training, but I haven't had time to come here. Tomorrow, around 10 in the afternoon, you will ask your permission not to go to class. I'll take you to the National karate team training ground. "

"Oh, thank you coach!"

"Yes, I won't waste your time anymore. Hurry back to class. " Said Coach Jack, smiling faintly.

"Fine," Gabby replied enthusiastically, she lowered her head, "Then I'll excuse me!"

Gabby turned and walked away. Because he was too excited, he accidentally stepped on his own foot. His face flushed slightly when he heard laughter behind him.

"Hey," Sandra turned around, "Why are you always smiling to yourself? Did a boy shoot you earlier? "