Leave Gabby alone again

After practicing their kicks and punches, Jack's coach began teaching them a new lesson. The man's strength is greater than coach Hendrik and coach Henri.

Gabby watched Coach Jack's movements closely. The man didn't look like an old man at all. Rather, he looks like a young person who is on the rise. Gabby's eyes lit up even more as the man told her to demonstrate her moves up front.

It didn't feel like the exercise in the morning was over.

"Good job, now you can rest." Coach Jack patted Gabby on the shoulder with a faint smile, "We'll meet again tomorrow."

"Ready, coach!" Gabby replied enthusiastically, nodding his head steadily.

In the past few hours, Gabby had learned new kicks and punches. As a result of that morning's training, he not only felt tired, but also excited.

"Wow, boss, how come you can understand all that so quickly? What's your secret trick? "