I? Like Jason?

Gabby kept running from the parking lot to the gym department building. Arriving in the mathematics classroom, he looked for a seat with his breath panting.

Haa, you guys don't know themselves. How come every time I meet him feels more exhausted than practicing karate for 6 hours straight?

Turning left and right, made Gabby realize that Jason was still not here. He pursed his lower lip and recollected the call last night.

Jason's voice last night was unusually sluggish and hoarse. Did something happen to him?

But Jason's hobby is teasing people. Who knows if, for example, last night he had called Gabby on purpose just to tease him?

Yes, it seems right! It must have been Jason calling her last night just to waste her study time.

"Wasn't it just yesterday that Jason just let me out for 3 days? Why isn't he in now? "