Jason rescue mission (1)

Gabby's face still looks like a baby who just turned 1 year old. However, the small pimple on her right cheek was the only sign that she was no longer a baby.

Her chubby cheek rests on Gabby's right arm, making her lips part slightly. 

The memory of the past few months returned to Michael's mind. Although the incident of Gabby kissing him on the lips has been going on for quite some time, his memory is still vivid.

That day, for the first time, Michael knew how soft and sweet Gabby's lips were. Either it comes from drinking hard, the taste of the fruit he drinks, or the lipbalm he uses, or indeed his sweet lips.

If Michael were told to explain what Gabby's lips looked like, he would have answered jelly. Soft and can make him addictive.

On that very day, for the first time, Michael felt his body like being drenched in lava.