Jason's return

Gabby closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and leaned her back against the plastic chair. He tried to calm his nervous feelings.

It is okay. 

Maybe they are just curious.

Or they might just want to see Michael, he's handsome.

Not far from the booth where Michael bought food.

Isabel and Lidia, who had just finished their nasi uduk, leaned their backs on the chairs. During the meal, Lidia never stopped talking about the funny incident a few days ago.

"Hahaha, I don't know what to do, what if your parents find out -"

Lidia's mouth closed when she saw Michael carrying two plates of uduk rice. 

The sports department canteen is famous for its nasi uduk. Almost every day many students come here just to eat Nasi Uduk.

Lidia already knew who Michael brought the plate for. He turned his head quickly and glared at the seated Gabby, "When is the lesson of the day still not enough for him?"