I believe Gabby can win.

Without saying another word, Michael turned and walked away.

Gabby stroked her forehead, looked at Gabby's back, and clenched her left hand, "Michael, are you going to die?"

Does he think it's easy or what?

Wrong 10 questions asked to rework?

After seeing Michael's back engulfed by darkness over time, Gabby lowered her hand. He turned around and opened the fence of his house.


Gabby rushed out of her room because she forgot to turn on the alarm on her cellphone. The woman hurried down the stairs and opened the door to her house.

There, under a tree near Gabby's house, stood Michael with his head down. The man saw a piece of paper that was in his hand.

Michael looked up as he heard approaching footsteps. He waited until Gabby stood in front of him, sighed, and hit Gabby's head with the paper he was holding.

"Wrong 20 questions, do it again." Say hello to Michael.

"20 questions?"