Jason's dark past

Without saying another word, Gabby turned off the screen and turned around. He walked quickly, leaving a flustered group of women.

"Gabby, hey, where are you going?"

Like a strong wind in the dry season, Gabby was suddenly at the front of the chancellor's office. From outside alone he could already hear some quite loud voices.

"Sir, what's the point in us keeping students who, uh, can be called community trash? Do you want the name of our campus to be bad just because of Jason? One student only? "

"Sir, we are representatives of all students on this campus asking you to expel Jason."

"Yes, that's right, sir. We don't want this campus to have a bad reputation just because of that garbage! "

The door to the chancellor's office was ajar, allowing Gabby to see from the outside. On the small cream sofa there was their president sitting, massaging his forehead.