Ugly pig!

"Heh, you!"

Suddenly as Gabby tapped the exam table with her finger, she heard a scream from nearby. He automatically stopped the movement of his hand and tilted his head.

When Gabby saw the face of the owner of the voice, he immediately chuckled in annoyance. In front of him, Lidia was standing with her hands folded in front of her chest.

"Geez, what," Gabby frowned, "What are you doing here too? Isn't this the end of the exam going to start? "

Why does he always meet Lidia where he goes?

Does the world really hate it?

"I just want to remind you about our bet," Lidia lifted her chin, "You didn't forget, right? Or did you forget it on purpose so you don't have to study so hard? "

"Anyway, huh," Lidia brushed her light brown hair, "Don't knock on the table either. Why, you've never seen a table this good? Huh, just see if the table has scratches, I will definitely order you to replace it! "